bugfix: inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv: things mapped to project_participant: remapped to event__participant because these actually relate to the event, not the project, even though they seem like project-related fields
fix: inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv, inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/map.csv: things mapped to communityID: remapped to communityName, which is what's used in analytical_stem (communityID is for numeric IDs)
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/create.sql, map.csv: expanded plot_administrator:party_code_party_ and mapped plot_administrator_name to a 2nd project_participant
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv: mapped PrimOwnerID_name->project_participant
moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html).
inputs/*/*/map.csv: added distinguishing #... suffix (e.g. UNUSED#institutionID) to the special terms OMIT, PRIVATE, UNUSED (VegCore.vegpath.org#Special-terms) to avoid creating a collision in the staging table renaming
inputs/SALVIAS/: Regenerated salvias_*.schema.sql from the MySQL version, to take advantage of my2pg improvements. The placeholder *_index columns which take the place of MySQL's inline index definitions have now been replaced by no-op CHECK constraints, so that there are no longer lots of dummy *_index columns in the map spreadsheets.
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv, inputs/*/*/map.csv: Applied term renamings from the new dynamically generated Veg+-VegCore.csv, which reflects the current state of the data dictionary. (Permanently switching to the new Veg+-VegCore.csv will be a separate change.) Updates to VegCore term names that have occurred since the data dictionary was created are now able to take effect, which involves remapping and inferring units on several fields.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki
mappings/VegCore.csv: Terms: Removed namespace prefixes (dcterms:), because VegCore terms are globally unique within VegCore and there should not be multiple versions of the same VegCore term with different namespaces. Provenance is instead indicated in the Sources column, which contains not just a namespace but a full URL to each source term.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Term names: Changed special characters to _ because Redmine doesn't support special characters in HTML anchors (it removes everything except letters, numbers, _, and -)
mappings/VegCore.csv: Renamed plotName to locationName because this term also applies to the location of a specimen. This replaces CTFS's definition of locationName as locality.
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv: AccessCode: Removed _map entry for 4, which does not apply to plots
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv: Mapped AccessCode to dcterms:accessRights with appropriate _map filter
inputs/SALVIAS/: Updated to new salvias_plots export on nimoy, which has a different schema
inputs/SALVIAS/: Mapped unmapped fields with a VegCore/VegBIEN equivalent. plotMetadata_/: Remapped life_zone to communityID because it is now alt-ed together with vegetation*, and thus not just a description with life_zone_code as its globally unique name.
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata_/map.csv: Mapped lookup_MethodCode_Description to new observationMeasure
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata/: LEFT JOINed with lookup_MethodCode to create plotMetadata_
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata/map.csv, inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/Plot/map.csv: Soil component measurements: Documented that units are assumed to be % based on the range of values
inputs/SALVIAS/plotMetadata/map.csv, inputs/SALVIAS-CSV/Plot/map.csv: Soil component measurements: Removed no longer needed old-style _units filter, now that unit conversion is handled by mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv using _percent_to_fraction
mappings/VegCore.csv: Soil component measurements: Added default units of percent (cmol_kg for cationExchangeCapacity). This involves translating the names everywhere and adding a _percent_to_fraction conversion in mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv.
input.Makefile: Maps validation: %/new_terms.csv: Include the entire map spreadsheet row, so that each new term is listed together with its mapping. This facilitates adding new mappings to mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv directly from any new_terms.csv. Note that the use of `sort -u` (in lib/mappings.Makefile) causes multiline comments to be separated, leading to spurious lines for each multiline comment line.
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Mapped plotAreaHa
input.Makefile: Maps validation: $(newTerms): Fixed bug where header needed to be removed before running filter_out_ci because filter_out_ci only removes the header if it matches the vocabulary's header. Removing the header afterward can cause the first row to be removed instead if the header was already removed.
inputs/*/*/map.csv: Changed empty mappings to self mappings, using the steps at <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Map_refactoring#Change-empty-mappings-to-self-mappings>. Note that in map.full.csv and VegBIEN.csv, lines that have changed are always the result of the input field's case being changed to match the case of the datasource's actual column name.
inputs/*/*/map.csv: Added back automapped mappings to map.csv, using the steps at <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Map_refactoring#Add-back-automapped-mappings-to-mapcsv>
input.Makefile: Maps building: %/.map.csv.last_cleanup: $(newTerms): Remove the CSV header from the terms lists so that multiple terms lists can easily be appended together
input.Makefile: Maps building: %/.map.csv.last_cleanup: Generate reports on new and unmapped terms in map.csv