


# Date Author Comment
11990 01/22/2014 12:24 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: projectcontributor: added missing unique constraint

11970 01/20/2014 11:33 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (

11963 01/15/2014 11:23 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: plot.**, analytical_stem_view, analytical_plot: added project_contributors

11962 01/15/2014 11:14 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added project_contributors()

11921 12/19/2013 11:11 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scientificName_verbatim: don't use taxonverbatim.taxonname+author as the scientificName_verbatim if only the author is provided. (this lead to weird scientificName_verbatims that contain just the author.)

11908 12/12/2013 08:35 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: location: use the place_id from the parent location when no place_id is specified. this fixes a bug in analytical_stem_view where the parent location's place_id was used because it was sometimes missing from the sublocation, but the parent place_id itself was sometimes missing instead if sublocations each had their own place information. this way, it is always available directly in the sublocation, populated from the parent location if needed.

11907 12/12/2013 08:27 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: location: added place_id which is autopopulated from the current locationplace. join on this in plot.**, to avoid a 1:many join when a location has multiple locationplaces.

11906 12/11/2013 11:10 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent_unique_within_parent_by_location unique index: need COALESCE around location_id since it's nullable

11889 12/10/2013 07:10 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_specimen: added specimens-related columns that are in analytical_plot

11874 12/09/2013 05:26 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: updated for renamed county_centroids column names

11838 12/05/2013 08:35 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: include the family_higher_plant_group lookup table values so that these don't need to be regenerated from the NCBI nodes whenever the DB is reloaded

11837 12/05/2013 07:58 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonlabel_update_ancestors(): don't do an index scan if the value being scanned for is NULL, to support testing this function without the indexes in place, without extra full-table scans for NULL values affecting things. this can be used to determine if the function is actually using the indexes, by turning them off and seeing if the runtime changes.

11829 12/05/2013 01:31 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonlabel_update_ancestors(): don't create a performance-intensive nested transaction (EXCEPTION block) for each INSERT, because there should no longer be duplicate ancestors, so it's OK to abort the whole transaction if this assertion fails

11828 12/05/2013 01:03 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: taxonlabel_update_ancestors_on_{insert,update}(): only use either the matched taxon's ancestors or the parent's ancestors, to avoid issues related to duplication between these two ancestors lists. this also fixes a bug where the 2nd taxonlabel_update_ancestors() call assumes that the existing ancestors are for the old parent, when in fact they have actually just been set to those for the new matched taxon (which horribly confuses taxonlabel_update_ancestors()).

11827 12/04/2013 10:06 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: _taxonlabel_set_parent_id(): just use a plain UPDATE statement, to avoid the significant parsing and stringification overhead of EXECUTE and quote_nullable(). it is not clear that EXECUTE is actually necessary to avoid caching the query plan, because the cache should be invalidated automatically when the table's ANALYZE statistics are regenerated.

11826 12/04/2013 10:00 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: removed unused function _taxonlabel_set_matched_label_id(), which refers to obsolete fields

11825 12/04/2013 09:58 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: synced to DB (the view renderer apparently changed the text of a view)

11821 12/04/2013 06:04 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scrubbed_author: removed empty COALESCE around value (left over from when multiple values needed to be combined for many TNRS fields)

11816 12/04/2013 03:12 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: provider_count_view: source totals: use the much faster query developed for Brad (, which avoids the need to do a GROUP BY on all of analytical_stem. eventually, we will want to apply the same optimization to the first publisher subtotals.

11736 11/25/2013 12:59 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: collected_dates: documented runtime (2.5 min)

11735 11/25/2013 12:57 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: collected_date_min: replaced with collected_dates view that lists all dates we have, so that we can determine which of these may be valid. it turns out that we have data collected from very far back (to the year 1), which are not merely 2-digit years because PostgreSQL will only parse early years when there are 4 digits.

11732 11/24/2013 11:48 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: collected_date_min: exclude invalid dates < 1000-01-01

11731 11/24/2013 11:41 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: collected_date_min: exclude -infinity

11730 11/24/2013 11:13 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added collected_date_min view

11710 11/21/2013 08:53 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: added taxonomic_status. notice that PostgreSQL 9.3 puts each view column on a separate line, making it much easier to review the svn diff!

11706 11/21/2013 07:40 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: taxon_trait_view: include only TNRS-valid names

11696 11/18/2013 05:40 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: sync_analytical_stem_to_view(): use new util.force_recreate() instead of manually dropping and re-creating every view that uses this. this avoids the need to add several lines to this function every time we add a new scientific view (of which we expect to have many), because force_recreate()'s error parsing handles this automatically. this makes it possible for a non-expert user to add scientific views without compromising the ability to add columns to analytical_stem_view, because they don't need to understand Postgres's dependency error messages when updating analytical_stem with this function.

11668 11/14/2013 02:36 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: plantobservation_aggregateoccurrence_count_1(): only default aggregateoccurrence.count to 1 for specimens data, because plots data may have any number of individuals in a taxon_presence record that has no explicit individual_count

11667 11/14/2013 02:32 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/*.sql: updated for PostgreSQL 9.3. this reorders some functions, adds empty comment headers for omitted SEQUENCE SET commands, and (best of all) finally splits view columns onto multiple lines, so that changes in the columns are actually legible (and produce their own svn diff!)

11645 11/10/2013 07:09 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: scrubbed_morphospecies_binomial: only append the morphospecies suffix if there is not a scrubbed specific epithet

11644 11/10/2013 07:08 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: scrubbed_morphospecies_binomial: only populate this from the component ranks; do not put a full taxon name in here if it would otherwise be NULL

11640 11/10/2013 06:38 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: MatchedTaxon self-join: must use a NOT NULL column for a proper anti-join. this unfortunately requires the more verbose LEFT JOIN ON syntax (which allows using the pkey as the NOT NULL column) instead of NATURAL LEFT JOIN (which requires using another column, which are all nullable)

11639 11/10/2013 06:34 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: use plain UNION, which automatically removes duplicates, rather than UNION ALL with a manual EXCEPT-removal of rows in the first SELECT

11638 11/10/2013 06:14 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: tnrs_input_name: updated to use taxon_scrub.scrubbed_unique_taxon_name.*, to avoid further dependencies on AcceptedTaxon

11636 11/10/2013 05:54 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxon_trait_view: updated to use new taxon_scrub

11635 11/10/2013 05:51 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: updated to use new taxon_scrub. this avoids the need to manually COALESCE every accepted* and matched* field, and makes the formulas much clearer

11623 11/09/2013 10:22 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scrubbed_taxon_name_no_author, scrubbed_author: need to COALESCE these to the matched* when no accepted* is available

11622 11/09/2013 10:02 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view, etc.: renamed scrubbed fields with the scrubbed_* prefix, to clearly distinguish these from the equivalent fields for other taxon names

11621 11/09/2013 09:10 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: family, genus: need to COALESCE these to the matched* when no accepted* is available

11598 11/08/2013 04:26 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: 2013-7-10.Naia.range_limiting_factors: filter by coordinateUncertaintyInMeters filter: assume true for rows with no coordinateUncertaintyInMeters

11597 11/08/2013 03:43 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: 2013-7-10.Naia.range_limiting_factors: filter by coordinateUncertaintyInMeters <= 10 km

11582 11/06/2013 01:30 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: 2013-7-10.Naia.range_limiting_factors: don't sort the results by occurrence_id, because this is not a meaningful ordering and prevents incremental output from the query

11581 11/06/2013 01:09 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: 2013-7-10.Naia.range_limiting_factors: also filter out rows without species

11533 10/31/2013 06:22 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot, analytical_specimen: removed derived columns that are not part of the validation

11532 10/31/2013 06:15 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot, analytical_specimen: removed internal ID columns that are not part of the validation

11531 10/31/2013 05:46 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot: removed derived columns that should not be validated by data providers

11530 10/31/2013 05:42 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_specimen: synced to analytical_stem

11529 10/31/2013 05:36 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot: documented that this contains all of the analytical_stem columns, minus specimenHolderInstitutions, collection, accessionNumber, occurrenceID

11528 10/31/2013 05:34 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot: synced to analytical_stem

11527 10/31/2013 05:29 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: added individualCount

11526 10/31/2013 04:42 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: plot.**, analytical_stem_view: added slopeAspect, slopeGradient

11505 10/30/2013 07:23 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): include new iscurrent__verbatim, so that taxondeterminations the datasource marks as current are always considered first. this currently applies to VegBank and CVS.

11504 10/30/2013 07:17 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination.isoriginal: made it nullable like iscurrent__verbatim, because this is populated from the datasource. taxondetermination_set_iscurrent() now supports isoriginal=NULL, so this is not a problem.

11503 10/30/2013 07:08 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination.is_datasource_current: renamed to iscurrent__verbatim and made it nullable, so that this can be used to store the verbatim iscurrent status

11502 10/30/2013 07:04 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): removed setting of is_datasource_current (which is now the same as iscurrent), so that this can be used to store the verbatim iscurrent status

11501 10/30/2013 06:59 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): isoriginal: make sure it is always either true or false, so that if the NOT NULL constraint on this is ever removed you don't end up with the incorrect sort order false, true, NULL (it should be false=NULL, true)

11500 10/30/2013 06:42 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: use plain taxondetermination.iscurrent instead of is_datasource_current since these are now the same

11499 10/30/2013 06:38 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): is_datasource_current: set to the same value as iscurrent, since these now have the same formula

11498 10/30/2013 06:34 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): removed no longer used accepted, matched determinationtypes (for these determinations, left-join to TNRS.ScrubbedTaxon)

11483 10/30/2013 02:57 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added 2013-7-10.Naia.range_limiting_factors

11482 10/30/2013 02:45 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: sync_analytical_stem_to_view(): row_num: renamed to taxon_occurrence__pkey because previous taxon determinations have been removed, so each row is in fact a taxon_occurrence (~=

11481 10/30/2013 02:20 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: don't ORDER BY datasource, because this requires a slow full-table sort after the hash joins. (when selecting a subset of analytical_stem_view, nested loops are used automatically without needing an ORDER BY to force this.) to get the datasource-sorted order (plus a sort-order guarantee), you can still add a manual `ORDER BY datasource`, which will use a fast index scan on one of the datasource indexes.

11480 10/30/2013 01:58 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem: added row_num, which can serve as the taxon_observation ID (DwC occurrenceID)

11477 10/30/2013 12:11 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem: locationID... index: use eventDate instead of dateCollected since it's now eventDate that identifies the locationevent

11476 10/30/2013 04:41 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: use plot.** to obtain plot-related fields, so that the same code does not need to be maintained in both analytical_stem_view and plot.**

11475 10/30/2013 04:32 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: moved specimen-specific fields to occurrence section

11474 10/30/2013 03:50 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view, plot.**: added separate location__cultivated__bien

11473 10/30/2013 03:11 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added separate eventDate, in addition to dateCollected

11472 10/30/2013 02:59 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: dateCollected: use aggregateoccurrence.collectiondate before locationevent.obsstartdate rather than after, because this is more accurate. it was previously the other way around to allow dateCollected to be the pkey for the row's locationevent (for plots data).

11471 10/30/2013 02:38 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view, plot.**: locationevent__pkey: moved to right before the locationevent-related fields

11469 10/29/2013 06:52 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: changed column order, etc. to match plot.**

11468 10/29/2013 06:46 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: plot.**: added locationevent__pkey so that this view can be joined to other VegBIEN tables, which require the internal pkey

11466 10/29/2013 09:05 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: sync_analytical_stem_to_view(): speciesBinomialWithMorphospecies index: documented runtime (1 h)

11465 10/29/2013 08:56 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: plot.**: updated to use the same column formulas as analytical_stem_view

11460 10/29/2013 07:42 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added 2013-10-18.Brian_Enquist.Canadensys view

11459 10/29/2013 06:51 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: sync_analytical_stem_to_view(): added index on speciesBinomialWithMorphospecies for Brian Enquist's Canadensys request

11424 10/24/2013 01:15 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): is_datasource_current (used by analytical_stem_view): need to separately check if `determinationtype IS NULL`, because `determinationtype NOT IN (accepted, matched))` will return NULL (false) if determinationtype is NULL, causing no match

11401 10/22/2013 06:21 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: renamed specimens columns to use the VegCore names, where these differ from DwC, so that the now-VegCore staging table column names are the same as the analytical_stem_view column names

11400 10/22/2013 06:16 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: regenerated using `make schemas/remake`. note that analytical_stem_view column renamings need this step after a search-and-replace of the column names, in order to remove excess "" around all-lowercase names and reset generated index names.

11399 10/22/2013 06:10 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: renamed specimens columns to use the VegCore names, where these differ from DwC, so that the now-VegCore staging table column names are the same as the analytical_stem_view column names

11392 10/20/2013 05:09 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: datasource_publish(): use parameter names instead of $# because this is a PL/pgSQL function

11391 10/20/2013 05:07 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: datasource_publish(): if the datasource to publish already has the published name, don't datasource_rm() it

11389 10/20/2013 04:52 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: join to the geoscrub_output table directly, instead of using the imported canon_place entries. this avoids the need to import geoscrub_output into VegBIEN (which is expected to take 2+ hours after the refresh), as well as the need to then refresh any datasources whose geoscrubbing input data has changed.

11167 10/03/2013 04:04 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: plot.**: removed ORDER BY because a SELECT on the view with its own ORDER BY will actually sort the rows twice instead of optimizing away plot.**'s default ORDER BY

11166 10/03/2013 03:44 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added plot.** subset view of analytical_stem_view, used for VegBank validation

11161 10/02/2013 05:59 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent__communities(): need to use commdescription instead of commname as the communityName because that's where communityName has been mapped to in mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv. (commname instead stores the communityID.)

11155 10/02/2013 03:58 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: added instructions for what to do after updating this

11154 10/02/2013 03:55 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view, analytical_plot: added communities using new locationevent__communities__array()

11153 10/02/2013 03:52 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added locationevent__communities*()

11152 10/02/2013 03:10 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: locationevent__pull_forward_from_parent() trigger: only pull forward the location_id when there is a stratum_id, so that empty locationevents that should be auto-forwarded are not unintentionally made valid by populating the location_id field (which causes a check constraint to become satisfied, and prevents auto-forwarding from working). this fixes a bug in some datasources' automated tests, such as `make inputs/SALVIAS/plotObservations/test`.

11148 09/30/2013 07:38 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: plot__collectors: to include plot__collectors for nested stratum events, need to calculate the locationevent__contributors__array() for the locationevent and parent_event separately, and then COALESCE those, instead of just running locationevent__contributors__array() once on the COALESCE of the two IDs

11147 09/30/2013 07:34 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: added pull-forward trigger to populate location_id from the parent event. a pull-forward trigger must be used for this (not a COALESCE in analytical_stem_view) because the locationevent cannot even be found by analytical_stem_view if it does not have an associated location.

11103 09/28/2013 08:23 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationeventcontributor: added missing unique constraint (locationeventcontributor_unique)

11102 09/28/2013 08:21 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationeventcontributor.role: made it optional because some locationeventcontributors may not have an associated role

11101 09/28/2013 06:45 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view, analytical_plot: added plot__collectors, which uses locationevent__contributors__array()

11100 09/28/2013 06:42 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent__contributors(): split into set-returning and array-returning functions. sort results by fullname so there is a predictable ordering (VegBank does not include a sort_order in the observationContributor table).

11099 09/28/2013 05:56 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: added locationevent__contributors() aggregating function for use in analytical_stem_view

11093 09/27/2013 11:14 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: locationevent_unique_within_creator unique index on sourceaccessioncode: need to add stratum_id, because the addition of stratum_id to this table instead of a separate stratum_event table (which would have required more schema changes) means we need to use the awkward construction of appending stratum_id to every unique constraint, including ones that ordinarily would just pass through the datasource's pkey

11085 09/24/2013 02:54 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_plot: added stratum__name

11083 09/24/2013 02:47 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: added stratum table (stratum__name)