bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: need to apply r12872 bugfix to lib/sh/util.sh because it occurred after r12025
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: `make` commands: use `yes|` to avoid needing to confirm prompts
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: `make mk_db ...`: use `yes|` to avoid needing to confirm prompts
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: to test a different revision: added step that if any of the commands after `svn up` are broken, try a different revision
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: `make db`: need to run `schemas/reinstall` manually because older versions of the codebase just used `schemas/install`
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: documented the range from within the revision should be chosen
fix: inputs/.IRMNG/*/: added _no_import because this datasource is only used as a lookup table and does not need to be imported/scrubbed
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: `svn up`: documented runtime (1 min)
bugfix: added nodes/_no_import, because the NCBI import doesn't work due to a Postgres 9.3 bug (#859). _no_import used to not be needed because we didn't import the hidden sources.
fix: bin/with_all: removed debug statements
bugfix: bin/with_all: testing if @inputs is set: `"${inputs+isset}"` syntax doesn't work for empty arrays, so need to use `declare -p` instead
bugfix: to set up the VM: to use a database backup: also need to `make rm_initial_public` because initdb creates a non-empty DB
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: added steps to test a different revision
/Makefile: db: use reinstall instead of install to allow running this on an existing DB
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`: documented runtime (12 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: updated VM snapshot names
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to install system updates: added step to restart, because some system updates require this
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: added instructions to install system updates
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: bin/import_all: documented runtime (50 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: added steps to run the import
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to set up the VM: added steps to move vegbiendev.vdi to the internal hard drive
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: added steps to start the VM
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: moved "set up the VM" steps to separate section
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: added steps to create a booted snapshot
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: moved creation of pg_restore snapshot to be part of just the database backup section
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: documented runtime (15 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: time the operation
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: added name for VM snapshot after this step
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: need to run as DB superuser to restore py_util
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: rsync: updated runtime (25 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: added steps to create snapshot before running pg_restore
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: added steps to configure the VM before booting
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: added instructions for selecting the initial snapshot and booting the VM
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: perform long-running operations inside `screen`
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to use a database backup: only run mk_db, not db, to avoid restoring schemas that are part of the backup
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: schemas must be in dependency order
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: don't restore analytical_db schema because we don't use it and it depends on public, which we're not restoring
web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmarks: WebEx: added steps to join a test meeting. pg_restore: documented that you need to create the schema before you restore into it, or else you will get a cryptic error message that it's using pg_catalog instead. added Homebrew links, including instructions for setting psycopg2 up with it. added PostGIS links. username URLs: documented how to enable these in Internet Explorer. TWiki: documented what to do when moving the TWiki install dir.
bugfix: lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: updated for new Firefox bookmarks format, which indents the <DD> tag
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: pg_restore: need to create the schema before you restore into it, to avoid cryptic error messages
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: schemas/postgresql.conf: need to decrease shared_buffers to match VM's allocated memory (1 GB)
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: need to run `make db` to restore users, which are not part of the backup
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: rsync: updated runtime (35 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: turning off of non-ARIZ inputs: removed metadata datasources because these have been renamed to start with ".", and so aren't included in */
bugfix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: pg_restore: need to use for loop because pg_restore doesn't support multiple --schema options (it just uses the last one)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: added step to restore the necessary schemas from the DB
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: rsync: documented runtime (13 min)
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: added step to fetch the database backup via rsync
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: moved steps to enable the user to access VirtualBox shared folders to separate section because VirtualBox shared folders currently don't work, likely because of a bug in VirtualBox Guest Additions when installed on something other than a clean Linux install
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: database backup approach: added steps to enable the user to access VirtualBox shared folders
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: added section for database backup approach, as alternative to clean database approach
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: use ".." instead of - to indicate a range, to avoid this being confused for a minus sign
bugfix: /Makefile: postgres_restart-Darwin: need to have the user run the command outside of make because it doesn't appear to do anything when run inside make (this is the same problem as on Linux)
/Makefile: $(pg_ctl-Darwin): use simpler `brew services` instead of `launchctl __/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist`
bugfix: bin/stop_imports: also need to include `bin/after_import`
inputs/.TNRS/Source/map.csv: datasetURL: updated to indicate that this uses the TNRS dev server (the actual URL is private)
fix: inputs/VASCAN/Source/map.csv: observationGranularity should not be specimen because this datasource contains only taxa
bugfix: bin/import_all: now that always using log files to fix output clutter, need to delete created logs if logging is turned off
bugfix: bin/import_all: don't errexit if a background process is Ctrl-C'd
bugfix: bin/import_all: was run without initial "." test: don't exit nonzero because this will close the subshell
bugfix: bin/import_all: ensure that this is run in a subshell, which is needed so errexits don't close the terminal window
bin/import_all: documented that this must be run in a subshell (obtained by running `$0`)
bugfix: bin/import_all: need to always use log files for background processes
fix: bin/import_all: Source/import: don't use by_col=1 for this because it's slower for small #s of rows. by_col mode is no longer needed for metadata-only tables because these tables now have a single empty row so that they also work in row-based mode.
fix: bin/import_all: hidden srcs: use with_all for this to avoid needing to list every source, and to display the backgrounded command with the variables substituted
bin/import_all: TNRS, geoscrub: integrated into the list of metadata sources
bin/import_all: TNRS, geoscrub: use import rather than publish because the non-imported tables have now been excluded
fix: inputs/.geoscrub/geoscrub_output/: added _no_import because these tables are metadata that is used in the analytical DB. this is better than relying on bin/import_all not to import these.
fix: bin/import_all: updated for new metadata datasource names (see issue #940)
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: updated for new metadata datasource names (see issue #940)
fix: inputs/IUCN/: renamed to inputs/.IUCN/ (see issue #940)
fix: inputs/newWorld/: renamed to inputs/.newWorld/ (see issue #940)
bugfix: inputs/IRMNG/: renamed to inputs/.IRMNG/ so that this comes before TNRS, which depends on it (this is a metadata datasource, so it can start with "."). part of issue #940.
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: to test the import: set up the VM: added steps to create a VM snapshot when done
config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: `make`: documented runtime (15 min)
fix: config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT: removed non-applicable step about the MySQL root password, which is not used for this procedure
added config/VirtualBox_VMs/vegbiendev/README.TXT with instructions to test the import
inputs/GBIF/_MySQL/.rsync_ignore: don't exclude GBIFPortalDB-*.data.sql.gz, even though this is an intermediate file, because it's better to have a backup of it locally. this was excluded in r13316 (2014-4-24) to free up disk space on the local machine.
fix: inputs/Madidi/LocationObservation/postprocess.sql: parse Spanish dates
validation/completeness/BIENDatesPopulated.xlsx: updated: Martha added Priority column
schemas/util.sql: replace_words(): use map_words() to enable inlining the concatenated hstore, so that it doesn't need to be concatenated on each function call
schemas/util.sql: added map_words()
schemas/util.sql: added date_from_spanish()
schemas/util.sql: added replace_words()
schemas/util.sql: added words(text)
schemas/util.sql: spanish_date_words(): switched to using hstore because this is better for the algorithm that will translate these
schemas/util.sql: added spanish_date_words()
schemas/util.sql: added `replacement` type
bugfix: mk_set_relation_metadata(): need to include col comments as well so that these are re-created properly by recreate()
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comments(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: show_set_comment(regclass): renamed to mk_set_comment() to match other mk_set_comment() functions
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_col_comments(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added cols(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added mk_set_comment(col_ref)
added validation/completeness/BIENDatesPopulated.xlsx from Google spreadsheets
fix: mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: mapped DwC year/month/day, which are split-date alternatives to eventDate. this fixes the missing eventDate in FIA.
bugfix: inputs/FIA/*/VegBIEN.csv: regenerated, replacing these with symlinks to the file used by new-style import
inputs/FIA/taxon_observation.**/test.xml.ref: updated