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Revision 3741

schemas/vegbien.sql: 1_to_1 and *_unique_within unique indexes with a `WHERE sourceaccessioncode IS NULL` filter: Added IS NULL filters for other unique keys, so that these fallback indexes would only be used if there was no (or no other) way to uniquely identify their tables. For *_1_to_1 unique indexes, this is the case for specimens data.

View differences:

4189 4189
-- Name: locationevent_unique_within_location; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: 
4190 4190
4191 4191

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX locationevent_unique_within_location ON locationevent USING btree (location_id, (COALESCE(obsstartdate, 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone))) WHERE ((parent_id IS NULL) AND (sourceaccessioncode IS NULL));
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX locationevent_unique_within_location ON locationevent USING btree (location_id, (COALESCE(obsstartdate, 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone))) WHERE (((parent_id IS NULL) AND (sourceaccessioncode IS NULL)) AND (authorlocationcode IS NULL));
4193 4193

4194 4194

4195 4195
4378 4378
-- Name: stemobservation_plantobservation_1_to_1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -; Tablespace: 
4379 4379
4380 4380

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stemobservation_plantobservation_1_to_1 ON stemobservation USING btree (plantobservation_id) WHERE (sourceaccessioncode IS NULL);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX stemobservation_plantobservation_1_to_1 ON stemobservation USING btree (plantobservation_id) WHERE ((sourceaccessioncode IS NULL) AND (authorstemcode IS NULL));
4382 4382

4383 4383

4384 4384

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