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VegBIEN:,DwC,Comments,Source,Order within table
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"//plantobservation/definedvalue[*_id/userdefined[tablename=plantobservation,userdefinedname=sex]]/definedvalue",sex,"Brad: OMIT. Apparently not used by this institution and of uncertain applicability to plants. With other collections, *sometimes* used for phenological information (if specimen in flower, in fruit, sterile, etc.). If so, this is important information we should keep. Bob, Nick, anywhere for phenological information in VB and VX?; Aaron: Keeping it because it's useful for some collections",http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#sex,26
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//specimenreplicate/collectioncode_dwc,collectionCode,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#collectionCode,12
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"//location/locationnarrative/_label[label=""habitat""]/value",habitat,"Brad: Free-text description of vegetation community where collected, frequently redundane wrt 'Vegetation'. Bob, Nick: keep as user defined or create special element?",http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#habitat,52
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,basisOfRecord,Brad: OMIT? See http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/index.htm#basisOfRecord for definition of this term.,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#basisOfRecord,15
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,day,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#day,50
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,dcterms:modified,"Brad: Mapping to VegX is incorrect. I think is this merely an internal timestamp indicated when record last modified, not necessarily when determination (taxon name) last modified. Probably we should omit this field, although might be useful for updating changed records from this source.",http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#dcterms:modified,1
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,eventTime,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#eventTime,45
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,preparations,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#preparations,32
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,previousIdentifications,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#previousIdentifications,35
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,relatedResourceID,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#relatedResourceID,161
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,relationshipOfResource,Brad: OMIT,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#relationshipOfResource,162
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,typeStatus,Brad: OMIT (?). Indicates whether this specimen served as type for taxon name. Probably not relevant for BIEN,http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/#typeStatus,125
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mappings: Removed no longer used for_review/VegBIEN-DwC2.specimens.csv