Revision 4558
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza over 12 years ago
inputs/UNCC/Specimen/map.csv | ||
26 | 26 |
loanto,"fieldNotes/_merge/6/_label[label=""loaned to""]/value", |
27 | 27 |
inorout,"fieldNotes/_merge/7/_label[label=""in or out""]/value", |
28 | 28 |
sheetno,associatedMedia,? |
29 |
cultivated,"establishmentMeans/_map:[Y=cultivated,N=wild,*=]/value",Ignore other values
29 |
cultivated,cultivated,Ignore other values
30 | 30 |
filler,,"Where used, same as family" |
inputs/UNCC/Specimen/map.full.csv | ||
7 | 7 |
collectno,collectorNumber, |
8 | 8 |
country,country |
9 | 9 |
county,county |
10 |
cultivated,cultivated,Ignore other values |
10 | 11 |
collday,dayCollected, |
11 |
cultivated,"establishmentMeans/_map:[Y=cultivated,N=wild,*=]/value",Ignore other values |
12 | 12 |
family,family |
13 | 13 |
comment1,fieldNotes/_merge/1, |
14 | 14 |
comment2,fieldNotes/_merge/2, |
inputs/UNCC/Specimen/VegBIEN.csv | ||
25 | 25 |
accession,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/specimenreplicate/sourceaccessioncode, |
26 | 26 |
collectno,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/1/_alt/1, |
27 | 27 |
SciName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/2/_alt/2, |
28 |
cultivated,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_alt/2/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=]/value/_map:[Y=cultivated,N=wild,*=]/value",Ignore other values |
29 |
cultivated,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]/value/_map:[Y=cultivated,N=wild,*=]/value",Ignore other values |
28 |
cultivated,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_alt/1,Ignore other values |
30 | 29 |
SciName,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=parent_id]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname", |
31 | 30 |
authors,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=parent_id]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=authority]/plantname/_alt/1", |
32 | 31 |
usdaRank,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=parent_id]/path/_forEach:[in:[binomial,authority,],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=subspecies]/plantname/_name/first/_alt/1", |
inputs/UNCC/Specimen/test.xml.ref | ||
171 | 171 |
<2>$SciName</2> |
172 | 172 |
</_alt> |
173 | 173 |
</authortaxoncode> |
174 |
<iscultivated> |
175 |
<_map> |
176 |
<cultivated>t</cultivated> |
177 |
<wild>f</wild> |
178 |
<*></*> |
179 |
<value> |
180 |
<_map> |
181 |
<Y>cultivated</Y> |
182 |
<N>wild</N> |
183 |
<*></*> |
184 |
<value>$cultivated</value> |
185 |
</_map> |
186 |
</value> |
187 |
</_map> |
188 |
</iscultivated> |
189 |
<isnative> |
190 |
<_map> |
191 |
<native>t</native> |
192 |
<exotic>f</exotic> |
193 |
<*></*> |
194 |
<value> |
195 |
<_map> |
196 |
<Y>cultivated</Y> |
197 |
<N>wild</N> |
198 |
<*></*> |
199 |
<value>$cultivated</value> |
200 |
</_map> |
201 |
</value> |
202 |
</_map> |
203 |
</isnative> |
174 |
<iscultivated>$cultivated</iscultivated> |
204 | 175 |
<taxondetermination> |
205 | 176 |
<plantconcept_id> |
206 | 177 |
<plantconcept> |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/Specimen/map.csv | ||
4 | 4 |
Barcode,CatalogNumber, |
5 | 5 |
Full Taxon Name,ScientificName, |
6 | 6 |
Collect Date,CollectedDate, |
7 |
7 |
8 | 8 |
Elevation,VerbatimElevation, |
9 | 9 |
Lat (-=S),"Latitude/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value", |
10 | 10 |
Long (-=W),"Longitude/_replace:[""\?$""=]/value", |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/Specimen/map.full.csv | ||
10 | 10 |
Elevation,VerbatimElevation, |
11 | 11 |
country,country |
12 | 12 |
county,county |
13 |
13 |
14 | 14 |
Accession Number,occurrenceID, |
15 | 15 |
state,state |
16 | 16 |
Typology,typeStatus, |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/Specimen/VegBIEN.csv | ||
16 | 16 |
SeriesName,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/specimenreplicate/collectioncode_dwc/_join/1,Brad: Not sure if mapping correct. DwC element; code for entire collection; often same as InstitutionCode; Aaron: Combining with InstitutionCode to create collection name |
17 | 17 |
Accession Number,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/aggregateoccurrence/plantobservation/specimenreplicate/sourceaccessioncode, |
18 | 18 |
Full Taxon Name,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/authortaxoncode/_alt/2/_alt/2, |
19 |
Cultivated?,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_alt/2/_map:[cultivated=t,wild=f,*=]/value/_map:[Yes=cultivated,No=wild]/value", |
20 |
Cultivated?,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/isnative/_map:[native=t,exotic=f,*=]/value/_map:[Yes=cultivated,No=wild]/value", |
19 |
Cultivated?,/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/iscultivated/_alt/1, |
21 | 20 |
Full Taxon Name,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/taxondetermination[!isoriginal]/*_id/plantconcept/plantname_id/_simplifyPath:[next=parent_id]/path/_forEach:[in:[],do=""plantname[rank=_val]/parent_id""]/plantname[rank=binomial]/plantname", |
22 | 21 |
Barcode,"/location/locationevent/taxonoccurrence/voucher/*_id/specimenreplicate/catalognumber_dwc/_if[@name=""if indirect voucher""]/then", |
23 | 22 |
Format,,** No join mapping for PreparationType ** |
inputs/NCU-NCSC/Specimen/test.xml.ref | ||
84 | 84 |
</plantobservation> |
85 | 85 |
</aggregateoccurrence> |
86 | 86 |
<authortaxoncode>$Full Taxon Name</authortaxoncode> |
87 |
<iscultivated> |
88 |
<_map> |
89 |
<cultivated>t</cultivated> |
90 |
<wild>f</wild> |
91 |
<*></*> |
92 |
<value> |
93 |
<_map> |
94 |
<Yes>cultivated</Yes> |
95 |
<No>wild</No> |
96 |
<value>$Cultivated?</value> |
97 |
</_map> |
98 |
</value> |
99 |
</_map> |
100 |
</iscultivated> |
101 |
<isnative> |
102 |
<_map> |
103 |
<native>t</native> |
104 |
<exotic>f</exotic> |
105 |
<*></*> |
106 |
<value> |
107 |
<_map> |
108 |
<Yes>cultivated</Yes> |
109 |
<No>wild</No> |
110 |
<value>$Cultivated?</value> |
111 |
</_map> |
112 |
</value> |
113 |
</_map> |
114 |
</isnative> |
87 |
<iscultivated>$Cultivated?</iscultivated> |
115 | 88 |
<taxondetermination> |
116 | 89 |
<plantconcept_id> |
117 | 90 |
<plantconcept> |
Also available in: Unified diff
inputs/UNCC/Specimen/map.csv, inputs/NCU-NCSC/Specimen/map.csv: Remapped cultivated fields directly via new cultivated term, rather than via establishmentMeans