Revision 972
Added by Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza almost 13 years ago
VegX.organisms.csv | ||
45 | 45 |
"NoInd","/simpleUserdefined[name=count]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegX. This is a count of number of indiiduals for an *aggregate* observation. For VegBank, I'm not sure. Not exactly the same as stemCount. An individual tree could have 3 stems but would still only count as 1. We need to check with Bob on this." |
46 | 46 |
"cover_percent","/simpleUserdefined[name=coverPercent]/value", |
47 | 47 |
"intercept_cm","/simpleUserdefined[name=interceptCm]/value","Brad: Incorrect for VegBank This is an aggregate observation. Used in line-intercept methodology only, describes the point along centerline at which an individual intercepts the center line of the plot. Used to determin relative abundance." |
48 |
"cfaff","/*ID->/*s/individualOrganism/*sID->/*s/taxonNameUsageConcept->/*s/taxonDetermination[*ID,partyWithRole/role=identifier]/*s/taxonRelationshipAssertion(/assertion/*ID->/*s/taxonConcept[Rank/@code=sp])/fit","Brad: Not sure where this goes. Indicator of identification uncertainty. 'cf.'=similar to the species listed, 'aff.'=related to the species list, but not the same. You'll need to check with Bob and with Nick where these go in VegX and VegBank."
48 |
"cfaff","/*ID->/*s/individualOrganism/*sID->/*s/taxonNameUsageConcept->/*s/taxonDetermination[*ID,partyWithRole/role=identifier]/*s/taxonRelationshipAssertion(/assertion/*ID->/*s/taxonConcept[Rank/@code=binom])/{fit,Name/_name/middle}","Brad: Not sure where this goes. Indicator of identification uncertainty. 'cf.'=similar to the species listed, 'aff.'=related to the species list, but not the same. You'll need to check with Bob and with Nick where these go in VegX and VegBank."
49 | 49 |
"other_annotations",, |
50 | 50 |
"morphocf",, |
51 | 51 |
"IsMorpho",, |
52 | 52 |
"OrigFamily","/*ID->/*s/individualOrganism/*sID->/*s/taxonNameUsageConcept->/*s/taxonDetermination[*ID,partyWithRole/role=identifier]/*s/taxonRelationshipAssertion(/assertion/*ID->/*s/taxonConcept[Rank/@code=fam])/Name","Brad: OMIT" |
53 |
"OrigGenus",, |
54 |
"OrigSpecies","/*ID->/*s/individualOrganism/*sID->/*s/taxonNameUsageConcept->/*s/taxonDetermination[*ID,partyWithRole/role=identifier]/*s/taxonRelationshipAssertion(/assertion/*ID->/*s/taxonConcept[Rank/@code=sp])/Name","Brad: OMIT"
53 |
54 |
"OrigSpecies","/*ID->/*s/individualOrganism/*sID->/*s/taxonNameUsageConcept->/*s/taxonDetermination[*ID,partyWithRole/role=identifier]/*s/taxonRelationshipAssertion(/assertion/*ID->/*s/taxonConcept[Rank/@code=binom])/Name/_name/last","Brad: OMIT"
55 | 55 |
"OrigAuth",, |
56 | 56 |
"phenology",, |
57 | 57 |
"canopy_position","/simpleUserdefined[name=canopyPosition]/value","Brad: Should also be userDefined for VegBank. " |
Also available in: Unified diff
inputs/SALVIAS/maps/VegX.organisms.csv: Mapped OrigSpecies and OrigGenus combined to new plantlevel Binomial