


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  climate 043c6c28 over 11 years Benoit Parmentier multi-timescale paper analyses, generating figu...
  land-cover 0fe2dd49 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old GLCNMO land-cover AML scripts (Tien M...
  shared 0fe2dd49 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old GLCNMO land-cover AML scripts (Tien M...
  terrain 86eb951b almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old Oregon topo AML scripts (Tien Ming Le...
README.rst 3.27 KB ef593cf1 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added repository README file

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
043c6c28 11/29/2013 02:41 PM Benoit Parmentier

multi-timescale paper analyses, generating figures and splitting files for functions

829151c8 11/29/2013 02:38 PM Benoit Parmentier

multi-time scale paper analyses continuation

dae80cc5 11/29/2013 02:36 PM Benoit Parmentier

running gwr cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR

12b8c55d 11/29/2013 02:34 PM Benoit Parmentier

running gam cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR

f6e04a80 11/29/2013 02:12 PM Benoit Parmentier

running kriging cai, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp OR

f8ba9fdc 11/18/2013 09:54 PM Benoit Parmentier

update script multi timescale paper draft, transects and additional figures for paper

aa674f21 11/18/2013 09:51 PM Benoit Parmentier

running gwr fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp

6cf80f67 11/18/2013 09:49 PM Benoit Parmentier

running kriging fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp

04ae5759 11/18/2013 09:45 PM Benoit Parmentier

running gam fss, 0 to 70% monthly holdout comb5 for multi-time scale paper, max temp

d5970771 11/10/2013 08:01 PM Benoit Parmentier

script for multi timescale paper, production of table 4

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