


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  climate 8d91ca4a over 12 years Benoit Parmentier GAM LST, added model and modified summary plots...
  land-cover 0fe2dd49 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old GLCNMO land-cover AML scripts (Tien M...
  shared 0fe2dd49 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old GLCNMO land-cover AML scripts (Tien M...
  terrain 86eb951b almost 13 years Jim Regetz added old Oregon topo AML scripts (Tien Ming Le...
README.rst 3.27 KB ef593cf1 almost 13 years Jim Regetz added repository README file

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
8d91ca4a 05/30/2012 04:10 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, added model and modified summary plots, run on 365 dates GAM+Kriging, task #364 and #406

ab8957ca 05/30/2012 04:03 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, modify code to generalize number of models and assessment,GAM+Kriging task #364

c9e2af49 05/30/2012 03:52 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, major modifications to create GAM+Kriging code, task #364

75151566 05/30/2012 03:34 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, adding lines to assess RMSE per month over 365 dates, task #406

f042de0f 05/30/2012 02:46 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, added model with forest only term -364 dates assessment, task #406

9c848d7a 05/30/2012 02:37 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, added section to save training and test residuals in shapefiles, task #361

f31f59cc 05/30/2012 02:28 PM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, changed triple nesting lat,long,Elev to double, 365 dates run, task #406 and #361

63d8201d 05/30/2012 11:19 AM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, used monthly LST average instead of daily, task #361

80402fdf 05/30/2012 11:11 AM Benoit Parmentier

GAM LST, adding new model with grass land cover, task #361

24eedf3a 05/30/2012 10:56 AM Benoit Parmentier

GAM using LST as input variable task #361

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