


| Branch: | Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  terrain 9d19fb11 almost 14 years Rick Reeves Uses correct, even boundary input images

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9d19fb11 05/15/2011 12:26 PM Rick Reeves

Uses correct, even boundary input images

b81f0431 05/15/2011 12:25 PM Rick Reeves

made with latest version of makeImagePairTable w/correct images.

ce53f1db 05/15/2011 11:39 AM Rick Reeves

created with latest version of code 5/15

27c37be1 05/15/2011 11:39 AM Rick Reeves

Tested Sunday 5/15 - produces table tableForRic2000_5_8.csv

4b8cd90f 05/13/2011 03:33 PM Rick Reeves

In header, better 'to run' instructions.

a0267fb3 05/13/2011 03:21 PM Rick Reeves

input table for the R script: MosaicCdemDifferencePlots.r
Created by the R script: makeImagePairFiles.

80390607 05/13/2011 03:19 PM Rick Reeves

First working version - very simple - just 'source' the file and press <CR> to walk through the plots.

Next version: 'panel plots' and improved plot axes.

d732553c 05/13/2011 02:38 PM Rick Reeves

Very first version of plot making script. Plots need consolidation into 'panel plots', and plot labels need to be improved.

Uses input file:
tableForMark4000_5_8_SortColID.csv, also checked in.

f028b3dc 05/10/2011 05:05 PM Rick Reeves

These scripts are complete but may not run correctly due to conflicts in the extents of the input raster files. Recheck inputs.

5c833657 05/10/2011 05:04 PM Rick Reeves

Version runs correctly, though the CDEM edge input image might not be the latest and best. Recheck inputs

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