This version has improved, vertically-stacked plots.
First version of 'image blending' solution that employs a linear decay function to blend ASTER and SRTM pixel values south of 60 degree N Latitude line.
First version of ASTER/SRTM boundary adjustment R script that tests a prototype 'exponential decay' function on a sub image of the DEM imaage mosaic.
First version of R script that adjusts the boundary between ASTER and SRTM components of DEM image mosaic created for Environment and Organisms project. This prototype version uses a set of 'narrow' test images, applies a linear ramp function. Later versions will use more sophisticated functions.
this table created using the latest and best-aligned versions of the 'boundary validation' (ASTER/SRTM/CDEM) subimages. Input to the script: CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.r
Added option: write individual plots (not trplets - yet) to separate JPG files. New command line argument: JpgPlotFileFlag
Table used by CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlayNewPlots.rto create latest set of (normalized) difference scatterplots
This version used to create the large (36000 row) table used to generate latest bounday analysis scatterplots.
This version creates the (normalized) difference image plotsthat Rick, Jim, and Mark are reviewing as part of the final 'ASTER/SRTM boundary analysis' work.The input file pixelPairs36000_5_8EvenSortCol1.csv also checked in.
The first version of 'CreateImageDiffPlotsOverlay.r' that produces the 'three-panel' plot containing the boundary differences for ASTER / Border / SRTM.
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