moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (
bin/src_map: support custom (or no) new_term_prefix. no new_term_prefix is useful for views whose columns have already been renamed in the underlying tables and should not have * re-prepended.
src_map: Reopen stdin (/dev/stdin) in universal newlines mode to support files with \r as the line ending
inputs/*/*/map.csv: Prefix a * to every term that's not in Veg+ for easy identification of unmapped terms when editing map.csv. Note that canon will remove the * when it finds a matching Veg+ term.
src_map: Upgraded to match new map format by adding Filter column
src_map: Map source columns to themselves so that src.csv can be used directly with the new automapping mechanism
src_map: Fixed bug where non-header rows needed to be materialized with empty fields for each column in the header
src_map: Also add columns for the output mappings and comments, so that the src map can be directly copied for use as the via map (DwC.specimens.csv, etc.). The output mapping column name must be provided by the caller, which input.Makefile maps/src.%.csv provides using the new mappings roots.
Added src_map to make a source map spreadsheet from a CSV header