web/index.php: removed no longer used PHP redirects. these are now handled by Apache .htaccess files instead.
web/people/Brad_Boyle/data_provenance: abbreviated to provenance to enable shorter URLs
bugfix: web/index.php: Brad: updated resource names to match filesystem
bugfix: web/index.php: Brad: fixed URL base
web/index.php: sources: reordered/recategorized to match the subdirs and wiki.vegpath.org/VegCore
bugfix: web/index.php: fixed bug where full directory index would not display correctly if invoked as /index.php instead of / (caused by incorrect URL)
fix: web/index.php: directory index: don't append QUERY_STRING, as this is not used by /all
bugfix: web/index.php: directory index: use QUERY_STRING, not HTTP_AUTHORIZATION (HTTP_AUTHORIZATION was probably left over from a previous attempt to provide username-based prefix subpaths)
web/index.php: removed no longer needed redirection of username-based prefix subpaths, which is now handled by web/.htaccess
web/index.php: subpath@host? redirects: also support multiple @ and nested . in prefix: a@b.c@host? -> host?b.c.a
web/index.php: support prefix redirect of the form subpath@host? , which is better than subpath.host because case is preserved and special chars allowed. (must require trailing ? for redirect, to avoid needing login to view the page itself.)
bugfix: web/index.php: full directory index: appending query string: need to use $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"], not $_SERVER["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] for this
bugfix: web/index.php: full directory index: only display if invoked as "vegpath.org/", not "vegpath.org/index.php"
moved everything into /trunk/ to create the standard svn layout, for use with tools that require this (eg. git-svn). IMPORTANT: do NOT do an `svn up`. instead, re-use your working copy's existing files with `svn switch` (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.6/svn.ref.svn.c.switch.html).
web/index.php: use XHTML DOCTYPE to match what's used by mod_autoindex. this requires some adjustments in spacing for XHTML's slightly different formatting
bugfix: web/index.php: added space between the full directory index and the preceding content
web/index.php: moved the full directory index within the rest of the document body
web/index.php: include full directory index, since the URL patterns list is just a subset of the content available through vegpath.org
web/index.php: removed no longer needed custom alias j.mp/vegpath# for when page reached through vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu, because vegpath.org is a much more reliable domain than the previous path.vg, and a separate way to reach VegPath when path.vg is down is no longer needed
Renamed www/ back to web/
web/: Moved auxiliary files into the main/ subdir in preparation for having just the web/ dir. Renamed web/ to www/ so it can be replaced with web/main/.
web/main/index.php: Updated fragment redirect for new dotpath format (using ? instead of a relative path)
web/main/index.php: Updated path templates for new dotpath format (using ? instead of /)
web/main/index.php: Replaced - with . in namespaces to conform to new dotpath naming convention, which allows nesting of namespaces
web/main/index.php: Added back smaller spacing between the table columns
web/main/index.php: Changed Brad-Boyle to just Brad because people's names only have to be unique within VegPath
web/main/index.php: Use absolute URLs for dependencies to work with subdomain translation, which adds components to the URL path
web/main/index.php: $root: Fixed bug where need to use gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) instead of $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] because SERVER_NAME is actually set to whichever hostname the server is accessed through (e.g. path.vg or vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu), rather than always being set to the reverse-DNS lookup of SERVER_ADDR, as is specified in the Apache docs ("If no ServerName is specified, then the server attempts to deduce the hostname by performing a reverse lookup on the IP address" <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#servername>)
web/vegpath/: Renamed to web/main/ because the content here is the main site hosted on vegbiendev. It will eventually contain internal links to VegBIEN resources in addition to external links (persistent URLs) to sources used in creating VegBIEN.
web/vegpath/index.php: Use $alias whenever VegPath was reached via the machine's own name (vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu) rather than via a shortened domain (path.vg), so that the right path root can seamlessly be used when path.vg is down
web/vegpath/index.php: Brad-Boyle root: Fixed link
web/vegpath/index.php: CTFS root: Fixed link
web/vegpath/index.php: CTFS-schema: Use $Redmine_svn
web/vegpath/index.php: $alias: Use HTTP_HOST and SCRIPT_NAME so the alias doesn't need to be hardcoded
web/vegpath/index.php: Switching back to path.vg now that the .vg root DNS is back online
web/vegpath/index.php: Use REQUEST_URI (removing the script's own dir) instead of PATH_INFO, to support being used for the Apache ErrorDocument directive
web/vegpath/index.php: Changed page title to contain "persistent URLs" because VegPaths are conceptually a type of PURL <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PURL>
web/vegpath/index.php: $alias: Switching back to j.mp/vegpath# because the .vg root DNS server is down. (The .vg registrar adamsnames.com also displays an under construction page.) If the registrar stays down, we may want to switch a different top-level domain.
web/vegpath/index.php: Use $PATH_INFO (i.e. index.php/$PATH_INFO) instead of the query string to pass the path to index.php, so that the query string can be used for other things
web/vegpath/index.php: top-level path parsing: Use parse_dot_path() instead of parse_mixed_path() because XPaths are now (client-side) fragments, and don't need to be supported by the path mechanism
web/vegpath/index.php: SALVIAS: Don't append #Plot_ when there is no subpath
web/vegpath/index.php: SALVIAS: Factored out URL to $SALVIAS
web/vegpath/index.php: SALVIAS: Appended Plot_ to dest URL because both data dictionary sections start with this, so it doesn't need to be included in the VegPath
web/vegpath/index.php: XPath resources: Removed # at end of destination URL because the # is now part of the #/XPath suffix (and is added by the user)
web/vegpath/index.php: XPath resources: Added # before XPath because the XPath is actually a location within the resource, and thus resolvable by the client (or user) themselves, rather than part of the redirected URL (which only needs to forward to the XML schema file)
web/vegpath/index.php: Updated $alias to the newly-registered path.vg domain, which is shorter and more intuitive-looking than the previous value j.mp/vegpath (from bitly.com). Note that using a domain also allows redirects without JavaScript, which can be used by any web client (such as a Python script), not just a web browser.
web/vegpath/index.php: Renamed ref to ns to emphasize that the resources in this field are namespaces for the paths
web/vegpath/index.php: add_ref(): Renamed $suffix to $path_pat to distinguish it from the actual suffix string sent in the URL
web/vegpath/index.php: custom_separator(): Marked optional params as such
web/vegpath/index.php: Terms: IH-db: Factored out phpMyAdmin URL into $IH_db
web/vegpath/index.php: Terms: Added IH-db
web/vegpath/index.php: php*Admin(): Added support for a fixed table that doesn't need to be specified in the path
web/: Removed svn:executable permissions from non-executable files
web/vegpath/index.php: Data: Added Institutions subsection
web/vegpath/index.php: Placed Terms and Data sections side-by-side in two columns so that data resources would not need to come after a long list of terms resources
web/vegpath/index.php: People: Added Brad's VegCore ID terms spreadsheets
web/vegpath/index.php: Factored Redmine svn URLs out into $Redmine_svn
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Removed loading indicator (blinking of resource being loaded) because for file downloads, the download will not redirect to a new page and the resource name will instead remain blinking
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Fixed bug where need to use parse_mixed_path() instead of parse_dot_path() to support XPaths
web/vegpath/index.php: Terms: Added CTFS
web/vegpath/index.php: URL patterns header: Reworded comment to clarify that the elements that can be left out are in italics
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Only perform fragment redirect if URL shortener requires it (as indicated by the $alias ending in #)
web/vegpath/index.php: nimoy nodes: Factored nimoy phpMyAdmin() calls out into nimoy_db() function
web/vegpath/index.php: nimoy nodes: Factored nimoy URL prefix out into $nimoy
web/vegpath/index.php: SALVIAS: Added subnodes for each SALVIAS database on nimoy
web/vegpath/index.php: VegCore: Changed suffix from .table.column to .term because VegCore terms are globally unique and don't need a table prefix
web/vegpath/index.php: BIEN2: Added subnodes for each BIEN2 database on nimoy
web/vegpath/index.php: Inlined VegBank() because it's only used once
web/vegpath/index.php: VegBank(): Use custom_separator()'s new $main_url param
web/vegpath/index.php: custom_separator(): Added $main_url param like in by_prefix(), for use when there is no path
web/vegpath/index.php: VegBank(): Use new custom_separator()
web/vegpath/index.php: Added custom_separator()
web/vegpath/index.php: Add # suffix to $alias instead of adding it in add_ref(), because not all aliases will use a # suffix
web/vegpath/index.php: add_ref(): redirect: Don't display "Loading" as the page itself is not shown to the user when using a Location: header
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Fixed bug where can't prefix the fragment with / because this won't work if VegPath is not at the top-level of the domain (and in any case is unnecessary to form a relative path)
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Blink the namespace being loaded, rather than displaying "Loading" at the bottom of the page, to make it clearer what's being loaded
web/vegpath/index.php: add_ref(): Don't display the URL pattern in monospace, because fixed-width font is not needed and variable-width font is easier to read. This requires decreasing the header level because variable-width font is bigger than fixed-width font.
web/vegpath/index.php: parse_dot_path() calls: Fixed bug where need to test result components using \`!== ""\` instead of just using the value as a boolean because PHP incorrectly interprets the string "0" as false
web/vegpath/index.php: URL fragment redirect: Prepend / instead of ? because filesystem paths are now redirected using .htaccess, removing the need to set the query string
web/vegpath/index.php: phpMyAdmin(): Fixed bug where can't use tbl_alter as the column target page because it requires a token param, which is only obtained after the user logs in
web/vegpath/util.php: partition(): Fixed bug where strpos() takes the search-for param first rather than second
web/vegpath/index.php: php*Admin(): Append $target to $url in separate step from returning $url, to make it easier to debug-print the value of $url before returning it
web/vegpath/index.php: BIEN2: Fixed to use phpMyAdmin with correct URL instead of vegbiendev phpPgAdmin placeholder
web/vegpath/index.php: Added phpMyAdmin()
vegpath/index.php: VegBank(): Fixed bug where name had incorrectly been replaced with $name
vegpath/index.php: phpPgAdmin(): Factored out appending of "&subject="
vegpath/index.php: IH: Fixed search URL to undo incorrect search-and-replace of + with .
vegpath/index.*: Changed "Supported URLs" to "Supported URL patterns" because the provided short URLs take parameters that are filled into the destination URL
vegpath/index.*: Removed tagline from window title because the window title (which becomes the bookmark name) only needs to be long enough to identify what the page is, and should not be cluttered with descriptions
vegpath/index.*: Changed tagline to emphasize that the shortened URLs are especially intended to be human-readable, e.g. for use as column names
VegRef/: Renamed to VegPath to make it clearer that the purpose of the web service is to provide short, globally unique paths to resources (e.g. for use as global IDs <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Global_IDs>)
Added web/VegRef/, which provides a URL-shortening service for vegetation references. VegRef URLs are short and human-readable enough to be used as database column names. This also causes Google spreadsheets to display a clickable link for each column name, which takes the user to the data dictionary definition for the term. String row IDs (such as global IDs <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Global_IDs>) can also be clickable VegRef URLs.