bugfix: bin/repl: text mode: also don't match if it's part of a '-'-separated identifier
bugfix: bin/repl: text mode: also don't match if it's a word in a sentence
bugfix: bin/repl: text mode: turned off the suffix matching, because there are cases where a mapping adds a suffix which would cause the same replacement to be performed repeatedly
inputs/input.Makefile: %/postprocess.sql: always run this, not just if the associated map spreadsheets change, to avoid needing to `touch` them to cause %/postprocess.sql to run
bin/repl: text mode: exclude prefixes that should not cause replacement, to avoid doubling leading *
fix: inputs/*/*/postprocess.sql: un-doubled *
bugfix: inputs/input.Makefile: %/postprocess.sql: also need to apply renames from mappings/VegCore.thesaurus.csv, as these have been applied to map.csv
bugfix: lib/runscripts/table.run: custom_postprocess(): need to apply renames to SQL statements in postprocess.sql before it can be run
bin/repl: text mode: also match w/ suffix (eg. _verbatim)
bugfix: /README.TXT: Maintenance: VegCore data dictionary: apply new data dict mappings: need to use postprocess rather than import runscript target, so that the command also works on an svn checkout without the flat files (the flat files are not needed for the staging table renaming)
lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): $verbose_ok: renamed to $bypass_ok for clarity, because this applies only to the `--output /dev/fd/41` bypass (which when not possible, requires turning off verbose output
fix: lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): added $output_data switch analogous to what mysql() has. this causes query results of eg. void-returning functions to be correctly filtered by the logging mechanism, rather than output to stdout.
fix: lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): verbosity=0 (errors only) mode: use `SET client_min_messages = WARNING;` instead of NOTICE to hide verbose messages within psql as well
lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): replaced `test "$verbose_ok" && can_log` with bool var $verbose_
fix: lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): $verbose_: renamed to $verbose_ok for clarity
fix: lib/sh/util.sh: stdout_contains(): add another pipe_delay because the `grep` statement was sometimes getting printed before its filtered output
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: set_col_types(): need to COALESCE the executed SQL to '' because util.eval() does not support NULL (and shouldn't, because this indicates a missing COALESCE in constructing the statement)
schemas/util.sql: set_col_types(): use simpler util.eval() instead of manual EXECUTE/util.debug_print_sql()
schemas/util.sql: set_col_types(): use string_agg() instead of array_to_string(ARRAY) for clarity
bugfix: lib/sh/util.sh: die_error_hidden(): min verbosity to display error should not be hardcoded
lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): "to see error details" msg: use new die_error_hidden()
lib/sh/util.sh: added die_error_hidden()
lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): "to see error details" msg: use new log_hint()
lib/sh/util.sh: added log_hint(), whose msg is only displayed if not a benign error
bugfix: lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): "to see error details" msg: also don't print it for benign errors ($benign_error)
schemas/util.sql: added mk_not_null()
lib/sh/db.sh: psql(): on error, display message describing how to see error details (prepend `vb=2` to the command)
bugfix: lib/sh/util.sh: log_err(): don't override verbosity manually, as this will not set log_level or PS4. instead, use new log! , which sets these correctly.
lib/sh/util.sh: added log! , which force-displays next log message
lib/sh/util.sh: save_e: made it idempotent so that it also works if save_e was already called
lib/sh/util.sh: rethrow: documented why can't use `(exit "$e")` (bash bug that prevents errexit)
bugfix: /README.TXT: Maintenance: VegCore data dictionary: apply new data dict mappings: need to use import rather than mappings runscript target, to rename the staging tables
bugfix: /README.TXT: Maintenance: VegCore data dictionary: also need to apply new data dict mappings on vegbiendev
fix: /README.TXT: Maintenance: VegCore data dictionary: added steps to apply the new data dictionary mappings to the datasource mappings and staging tables
bugfix: lib/runscripts/util.run: $auto_ignore: need to unexport it so don't pass this to invoked scripts except through fwd()
added inputs/run, which runs all the inputs' runscripts using the new auto-forwarding
bugfix: lib/runscripts/util.run: auto_fwd's fallback() must be set after auto_ignore's fallback() to overwrite it (auto_ignore should only apply if an error would otherwise have been generated by the fallback)
lib/runscripts/util.run: fwd(): support subdirs that don't contain a runscript, so that the default value of @subdirs will work in most cases
lib/runscripts/util.run: fwd(): set default @subdirs (`{.,}*/`)
lib/sh/util.sh: added enter_top_dir and use it in in_top_dir
fix: lib/sh/util.sh: commands run inside $(...): need to run with log++ so that these aren't normally debug-printed
lib/sh/util.sh: added pv(), which debug-prints var(s)
lib/sh/util.sh: added wildcard.()
lib/sh/util.sh: added wildcard/()
lib/sh/util.sh: added esc_args()
web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmarks: Google Drive: listed bugs that make it very difficult to use (the need to re-download all files when reconnecting a client to an account). added recommendation not to use it (unstable).
removed unused inputs/table.run. inputs/*/table.run include lib/runscripts/table.run directly.
lib/runscripts/datasrc_dir.run: removed postprocess(), which now does the same thing its auto-forwarded equivalent would
lib/runscripts/datasrc_dir.run: removed separate @table_subdirs, because the table-only targets can now safely be invoked on all subdirs, being auto-ignored in subdirs that don't support them
lib/runscripts/util.run: fwd(): enable $auto_ignore so that each subdir doesn't have to have a definition for the forwarded target
lib/runscripts/util.run: added $auto_ignore switch, which causes fallback() not to generate an error that a non-existant target doesn't exist
lib/runscripts/datasrc_dir.run: use new fwd_self alias
lib/runscripts/util.run: added fwd_self alias
lib/runscripts/datasrc_dir.run: enable $auto_fwd, to create the functionality of lib/forwarding.Makefile's `%` target
lib/runscripts/util.run: added $auto_fwd switch
bugfix: lib/runscripts/util.run: gateway(): need to use is_callable() rather than func_exists() to check whether the target exists, because external commands (eg. echo) are supported as targets, too
lib/sh/util.sh: added is_callable()
lib/runscripts/util.run: support custom handlers for all targets (gateway()) as well as targets w/o function (fallback())
lib/runscripts/table.run: remake_VegBIEN_mappings(): renamed to just mappings() since action make targets should be short names
lib/sh/util.sh: stderr_matches(): inline the stderr_matches alias to avoid needing to quote stderr_matches as "stderr_matches" in the most common use case (with pattern as a prefix env var)
bugfix: lib/sh/util.sh: stderr_matches(): when passing `pattern=...` as a prefix env var, must be invoked as `"stderr_matches"` to avoid the env var applying to the prep_try portion of the stderr_matches alias
added schemas/VegCore/Brad_Boyle/bien3_data_provenance_use_cases.docx* from e-mail from Brad
schemas/vegbien.sql: _plots_08_list_of_plots_which_use_percent_cover, _plots_15_pct_cover_of_each_verb_taxon_in_each_plot_in_each_pro: reran with fixes, which removes the incorrectly auto-added copies columns. (they were only able to be auto-added because the tables had no rows.)
bugfix: drop_column(regclass[]): need to run `SELECT NULL::void;` at end of function to avoid folding away functions called in previous query
fix: schemas/util.sql: diff(regclass, regclass): moved try_create() of copies column in parent table to auto_rm_freq() so that it would only happen if both tables actually contain a copies column (otherwise, the try_create() will create an empty copies column if both tables are empty)
schemas/util.sql: try_create(): also handle "child table is missing column" errors
schemas/util.sql: added coalesce(anyarray), which can be used to force evaluation of all values of a COALESCE
validation/aggregating/plots/bien3_validations_salvias_vegbien.sql: updated to DB
fix: validation/aggregating/plots/bien3_validations_salvias_vegbien.sql: removed `public.` qualifier
schemas/vegbien.sql: implemented _plots_19_count_of_censuses_per_plot_in_each_project
inputs/SALVIAS/validations.sql: implemented _plots_19_count_of_censuses_per_plot_in_each_project
validation/aggregating/plots/FIA/bien3_validations_fia_input.sql: _plots_19_count_of_inventories_per_plot_in_each_project: renamed to _plots_19_count_of_censuses_per_plot_in_each_project for clarity
validation/aggregating/plots/FIA/bien3_validations_fia_input.sql*: updated from Brad's latest e-mail
schemas/util.sql: EXCEPTION blocks with multiple exception types: use OR to merge exception types into one WHEN block
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations: schema comment: changed "to sync the queries with schemas/vegbien.sql" to "to reset the queries to what's in schemas/vegbien.sql" for clarity
fix: schemas/vegbien.sql: schema comment: to reset the key and value columns for all validations queries: updated running of custom keys() functions to use keys() types instead
schemas/vegbien.sql: schema comment: to sync the queries with schemas/vegbien.sql: use new public_validations.rm_output_queries() instead of rm_all_queries() to leave the input queries in place
schemas/vegbien.sql: schema comment: documented how to reset the key and value columns for all validations queries
schemas/util.sql: mk_keys_func(regtype, util.col_cast[]): indicate in the type comment that the keys() type is autogenerated, so it can be distinguished from custom keys() types when bulk-regenerating keys() types
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: show_relations_like(): also need to include composite types, as these are also relations (and are expected to be included by callers of show_relations_like())
bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: rm_output_queries(): also need to include keys_* and values__* types, as these are also associated with the query
schemas/util.sql: added debug_print_func_call(text) and use it where applicable
schemas/util.sql: drop_relations_like(): debug-print the regexps so that you can tell which tables it's trying to match
schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations: regenerated ~type tables, which adds `copies` columns for queries with a mismatch in the # of occurrences of each row
bugfix: schemas/vegbien.sql: public_validations.validation_views(): need to include views with letters after the query # (eg. _plots_06a_list_of_stems)
schemas/util.sql: removed no longer used to_freq(regclass, drop_if_always_1). use to_freq(regclass) and auto_rm_freq() instead.
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: diff(regclass, regclass): only drop freq column if all tables have all 1s
schemas/util.sql: auto_rm_freq(): accept multiple tables, so the freq column is only dropped if all tables have all 1s
schemas/util.sql: added freq_always_1(regclass[])
schemas/util.sql: added drop_column(regclass[])
schemas/util.sql: added parent(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: try_create(): also handle not_null_violation, which is thrown when trying to add a NOT NULL column to a parent table, which cascades to a child table whose values for the new column will be NULL
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: diff(text, text): also need to cast left_/right_ to base type for the IS DISTINCT FROM filter, because the WHERE clause apparently does not use columns from the SELECT list, even though GROUP BY and ORDER BY do
schemas/util.sql: added to_freq(regclass, drop_if_always_1)
schemas/util.sql: added auto_rm_freq(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added freq_always_1(regclass)
bugfix: schemas/util.sql: diff(regclass, regclass): need to create a diff when the # of copies of a row differs between the tables. this uses new util.to_freq().
schemas/util.sql: added to_freq(regclass)
schemas/util.sql: added populate_table(regclass, text)