Filled in SALVIAS stems mappings. make test2's stems test fails because we don't wrap the import transaction around all the tests so that organisms are already in the database when stems are imported.
mappings/Makefile: Corrected stemobservation to stem
Use baseDistance/complexUserDefined/method to distinguish between different dbhs in VegX
VegX mappings: Use baseDistance/value instead of baseDistance so we can later use complexUserDefined to distinguish between different types of dbh
VegX-VegBIEN.organisms.csv: Added initial stems mappings
mappings/Makefile: Updated VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv input/output roots
ch_root: Deal with roots followed by something other than \b
input.Makefile: Remove *.out in new verify and test subdirs
Moved inputs files into subdirs for maps, verify, and test operations
vegbien.sql: Removed taxondetermination.collector_id because that's now in specimen
VegBIEN: Map to specimen.collector_id instead of taxondetermination
vegbien.sql: Added specimen.collector_id column
vegbien.sql: Changed taxondetermination.stem_id to individualplant_id
vegbien.sql: Removed taxondetermination columns that have been moved to specimen
VegBIEN: Merged specimen.collectionnumber and catalognumber_dwc fields. Removed NOT NULL constraints on several specimen columns because not all specimens have all identifiers. Mapped to new specimen fields.
VegX-VegBIEN mapping: Map collectiondate to specimen table
vegbien.sql: Added specimen.collectionnumber and collectiondate fields
Updated README.TXT to reflect new make targets
vegbien.sql: Added sizeclass columns
VegBIEN: Removed stem* prefix from stem measurements because it's redundant and because these same field names were reused in non-stem tables
VegBIEN: Renamed stemobservation to stem
vegbien.sql: Added comments to renamed tables specifying VegBank equivalent
vegbien.sql: Added comments to new tables
vegbien.sql: Removed r# prefix from foreign key constraints
vegbien.sql: Added plot.namedplace_id for theplots which are identified by a namedplace rather than lat/long or name
vegbien.sql: Made plot.authorcode optional as not all plots have names
vegbien.sql: Added _dwc to specimen columns that are from DwC
vegbien.sql: Added UNIQUE constraint for specimen table. Made catalognumber required so that all specimens can be uniquely identified.
vegbien.sql: Made specimen.individualplant_id optional because specimens are not required to have a corresponding plot event (which all individualplants must have)
VegBIEN-VegBank.csv: Updated to reflect renames
vegbien.sql: Renamed specimen.code to collectioncode to match DwC term
vegbien.sql: Added sizeclass table
vegbien.sql: Renamed collection to specimen to reflect that it's for a single collection specimen
VegBIEN: Renamed collectiveobservation to aggregateoccurrence to reflect VegX usage of aggregate and the new taxonoccurrence table
VegBIEN: Renamed stemobservation.stemcode to authorcode
vegbien.sql: Renamed individualplant.code to authorcode Reordered get() args to match put() Use new sql.put() which only eliminates duplicates based on database UNIQUE constraints Added new function put() and changed get() to use it Fixed raising of NullValueException to pass array of columns rather than single column
vegbien.sql: Added UNIQUE constraints to tables used in the mapping so that duplicates are eliminated by the database ExceptionWithColumn now stores multiple columns so that they can all be used in DuplicateKeyExceptions Fixed dict_subset() to work correctly when a key does not exist Added dict_subset() Use constraint_cols() to determine DuplicateKeyException column in try_insert() Added constraint_cols() to get columns of a constraint for use in determining the columns for a DuplicateKeyException Map empty fields to None instead of ignoring them, to ensure that an existing row with a value in that field is not used in the duplicate elimination
bin/map: Use db_xml.put()'s new on_error handler put(): Added on_error handler. Reordered arguments according to how often they are likely to be used.
bin/map: Print # input rows processed
VegX-VegBIEN mapping: Merge different sources of plot elevation
vegbien.sql: Added individualplant.code field Expand XML funcs in XML func args In NodeTextEntryIter, return non-text children as-is instead of ignoring them so that XML functions can use them Improved readability by separating into sections Ignore only fields that are actually empty (rather than just not having element children), as a field containing anything other than a comment should be flagged as invalid input Changed is_empty() to consider nodes with only comments to be empty
bin/map: Add input row to exceptions Ignore empty fields. Fixes bug where a field that's not text but has no Element children will be treated as a table, and an error is triggered because the corresponding table does not exist in the database. Added has_elems() to check if node has Element children
bin/map: Use xml_func.process()'s new on_error error handler. Add row to database errors and xml_func.SyntaxExceptions. Changed formatting of comment that node with syntax errors is replaced with so that it starts on its own line Use on_error exception handler to allow caller to print exceptions instead of raising them Add node to any database exceptions generated in put() Added raise_() wrapper for raise statement
Ignore .~* (lock files generated by in inputs
inputs/SALVIAS: Added stems map
bin/map: Handle empty rows for db output
mappings: Use stemParent instead of stemOrganism to identify stems so that it's clear that the stemParent is an individualOrganismObservation, not an individualOrganism
input.Makefile: Include VegX maps not in tablesSort
mappings/Makefile: Generate initial VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv
mappings/Makefile: Cleaned up in preparation for adding rule to generate VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv
bin/map: Continue with database insertion even if a row had XML func syntax errors, because these errors have been fixed by removing the offending function node Remove function nodes with syntax errors to prevent them from causing DatabaseErrors later Added remove() function to remove a node
bin/map: Track Exceptions with ExTracker Added ExTracker to track printed (suppressed) Exceptions and exit with nonzero status if any were encountered
bin/map: Parse each output XPath at the beginning so XPath syntax errors are detected right away
vegbien.sql: Reran renames to capture cases where a name is in the middle of an identifier
vegbien.sql: Use character varying(255) instead of text or character varying in new tables and columns
input.Makefile: Print Postgres NULL as NULL instead of empty string to match MySQL output
VegX-VegBIEN mapping: Fixed syntax error in mapping
vegbien.sql: Added trait table
vegbien.sql: Added columns to stemobservation
vegbien.sql: Renamed collectiveobservation.stratum_id to taxonbin_id
vegbien.sql: Added some DarwinCore attributes to collection table
Makefiles: Added remake target to run clean and all
vegbien.sql: Added taxondetermination.collection_id column
VegBIEN: Made taxondetermination.plantname_id required
vegbien.sql: Made taxondetermination.plantconcept_id optional
VegBIEN: Renamed author*code to authorcode
Makefiles: Added empty rules for targets without a rule so that these rules wouldn't trigger the recursive subdir invocation for the default target
VegX-VegBIEN mapping: Convereted all database names to lowercase to correspond to their case in the database
Makefiles: Added empty Makefile target so that Makefiles are not included in the targets recursively run on subdirs
input.Makefile: Dependencies in other directories are included as prerequisistes. Use tablesSort variable instead of sort order prefix to order tables.
Makefile: Added default target that recursed into subdirs with Makefiles. Used default target for all and clean.
Regenerated inputs/SALVIAS/map.VegBIEN.0.plots.csv
Removed scripts symlink because it was causing Makefile recursion issues
Makefile: Take advantage of new inputs/Makefile
Added inputs/Makefile to run input targets recursively on each input