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Revision 5513

mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: taxonconcept.parent_id when explicit parent provided: Set taxonconcept.parent_id using new _taxonconcept_set_parent_id() after creating the child taxonconcept, so that the parent_id will point to the already-inserted parent taxonconcept instead of creating a new, empty parent taxonconcept. This creates a two-step import, where first the taxonconcepts are imported, and then the parent_ids are matched up. This is necessary for column-based import because all the parent taxonconcepts are imported in a separate iteration from the child taxonconcepts with only their sourceaccessioncode, so this iteration must occur after the child taxonconcept iteration in order to match up with fully-populated taxonconcepts. Row-based import, on the other hand, does not require _taxonconcept_set_parent_id() but does require the taxonconcepts to be provided in dependency order (parents first), which is unfortunately not the case for NCBI.

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