


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  _archive 1598 almost 13 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Moved _archive/tapir2flatClient/trunk/client/ t...
  analysis 3076 over 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added top-level analysis dir for range modeling
  backups 9496 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza added backups/*.md5
  bin 9530 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bin/tnrs_db: documented how to estimate total r...
  config 7801 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza root Makefile: VegBIEN DB: mk_db: Added command...
  exports 8798 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza exports/: svn:ignore *.csv
  inputs 9681 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: *run: overriding targets: use new self_...
  lib 9689 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza lib/sh/ redir(): override save_e and ad...
  mappings 9459 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: place.geo...
  planning 9671 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *.url: mailto URLs: use the standard e-mail dot...
  schemas 9671 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *.url: mailto URLs: use the standard e-mail dot...
  web 9614 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza web/links/index.htm: updated to Firefox bookmar...
.htaccess 326 Bytes 8771 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza /.htaccess: use canonical URL without symlinks
Makefile 12.6 KB 8844 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: /Makefile: moved schemas/install from i...
README.TXT 22.8 KB 9532 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza bugfix: README.TXT: Full database import: scree...
fix_perms 97 Bytes 7560 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza Added root fix_perms
map 1001 Bytes 6949 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza vegbien_dest: Changed default $prefix to "", so...
new_terms.csv 38.1 KB 7222 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza new_terms.csv: Regenerated
run 450 Bytes 9074 almost 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza *{.sh,run}: removed extra space between functio...
unmapped_terms.csv 13.1 KB 7201 about 12 years Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza **/new_terms.csv, **/unmapped_terms.csv: Regene...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9689 06/01/2013 06:20 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ redir(): override save_e and add `unset redirs` so error handlers are not redirected

9688 06/01/2013 06:15 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ added alias_append(), similar to func_override() for aliases

9687 06/01/2013 06:05 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ redir(): don't do redir actions if redir will be run later (i.e. if command to run starts with `redir` or `command`)

9686 06/01/2013 06:04 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ redir(), command(): log their function calls at the usual log_level (2) instead of one higher, so that they are printed in the call tree to help debugging

9685 06/01/2013 05:39 PM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ added redir() and use it in command() to perform and echo the redirections

9684 06/01/2013 09:35 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ command(): removed comment that "the following redirections must happen in exactly this order", because there is now only one redirection

9683 06/01/2013 06:01 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ command(): removed 2>&$err_fd, which is no longer needed because $err_fd is now 2 (in general, there is probably not a need for a special $err_fd var, because 2 is already stderr)

9682 06/01/2013 05:52 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ command(): don't set err_fd to global stderr, because this prevents errors from being captured and parsed by callers. it is also not necessary to use a separate port than stderr, because stderr already contains only errors (since logging messages go to their own port). global stderr would still be useful e.g. for displaying input prompts the user when reading from global stdin.

9681 06/01/2013 05:17 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

bugfix: *run: overriding targets: use new self_make to properly progagate the $remake flag to the overridden target, so that the target itself is not skipped

9680 06/01/2013 05:15 AM Aaron Marcuse-Kubitza

lib/sh/ to_file(): added del= flag to prevent the file from being auto-removed on error (e.g. to preserve a partial result, which normally would be removed)

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