sql.py: explain(): Support custom log_level
schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination: taxondetermination_taxonoccurrence_id_fkey manual fkey constraint: Fixed bug where needed to raise foreign_key_violation instead of unique_violation
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with stats from latest import
debug2redmine.csv: Remove newline before EXPLAIN comment
debug2redmine.csv: Filter out EXPLAIN comments
sql.py: run_query(): EXPLAIN all explainable queries before they are run, to provide query plans for later profiling and index analysis. At verbosity 3+, this also effectively allows the user to see what query is being run before it's executed.
sql.py: is_explainable(): Fixed bug where needed r'' syntax to escape \ in \b
sql.py: Added explain() and is_explainable()
strings.py: Added join_lines()
mk_rm_indexes: Also include the search_path in the outputted commands
schemas/vegbien.sql: commclass: Fixed bug where commclass_unique needed to be a UNIQUE INDEX
schemas/vegbien.sql: plantname: Removed unneeded indexes on plantname and rank (plantname_unique takes care of joins)
pg_dump_vegbien: Enclose the schema name in "" because pg_dump requires this for schema names with special characters
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with stats from 2012-7-3 and 2012-7-5 imports. Note that the 2012-7-5 import was partial, so its stats can't be directly compared.
root Makefile: VegBIEN DB: Schemas: Added schemas/%/rm_indexes
Added mk_rm_indexes
sql.py: Added drop() and use it in drop_table()
debug2redmine: Remove profiling information from the logging output
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Only print notices in debug mode, because they are output with a log level higher than the debug verbosity threshold, and this avoid unnecessary overhead
sql.py: DbConn: Added profile_row_ct setting, which is passed to profiler.stop() in run_query()
bin/map: Logging: Raised debug-mode verbosity threshold to 1.5 so that in row-based imports, which have a default verbosity of 1.1, sql.DbConn.run_query() will not profile the query, to avoid unnecessary overhead
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Only profile queries in debug mode, to avoid unnecessary overhead when the run time will not be displayed
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Profile using the profiling.ItersProfiler class, which pretty-prints the run time
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Added profiling of query execution, which is logged with the query
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Move log_msg() to where it's used, so that it runs after the query is run and can refer to profiling variables
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Use else blocks to avoid applying exception handling to commands run after the main command
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Always output or return the log message after the query is run, so that it can be output with profiling statistics in the log message header
sql.py: run_query(): Always output the log message after the query is run, so that it can be output with profiling statistics in the log message header
Regenerated vegbien.ERD exports
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Added covering lookup indexes on the unique constraints to enable fast merge joins in column-based import. Removed no longer needed individual-column lookup indexes because the constraint-covering lookup indexes now handle lookups. This also avoids index bloat.
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: Removed no longer needed individual-column lookup indexes because the constraint-covering lookup indexes now handle lookups. This also avoids index bloat.
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: Added covering lookup indexes on the unique constraints to enable fast merge joins in column-based import
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: Added CHECK constraint which ensures that there is at least one key to sufficiently uniquely identify the specimenreplicate
inputs/CTFS/maps/VegX.organisms.csv: Mapped VegX sourceAccessionCode = VegBIEN plantobservation,specimenreplicate.sourceaccessioncode so that specimenreplicate would have a required key
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Sort the plantobservation.sourceaccessioncode/specimenreplicate.sourceaccessioncode mapping with the other _ifs so the adjacent node merging works properly and it gets created before _ignore removes voucherType
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Also map plantobservation.sourceaccessioncode to specimenreplicate.sourceaccessioncode so specimenreplicate always has a key and will never be underconstrained
xml_func.py: process(): Fixed bug where an evaluated XML function might create a node of the same name as an existing node, but these nodes would not be merged even though they referred to the same object, by merging siblings of a newly-evaluated (replaced) node if they have the same name
xml_dom.py: Added merge() and merge_adjacent()
xml_dom.py: replace_with_text(): Return the new node
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Indirect voucher mappings: Removed no longer needed ":[*_id/taxonoccurrence]" because a specimenreplicate is a taxonoccurrence, so it doesn't need to have an empty taxonoccurrence
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Fixing specimenreplicate->taxonoccurrence mapping bug where taxonoccurrence_id is no longer used as an fkey because it's instead a pkey inherited from taxonoccurrence, by instead using the new fkey to plantobservation for direct vouchers. Note that a duplicate aggregateoccurrence is created, because the _if XML function runs after the XPaths have created the initial tree, and thus the nodes it pulls forward do not automatically get merged with adjacent nodes of the same name. This will eventually need to be fixed by auto-merging the nodes.
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: Fixing specimenreplicate->taxonoccurrence mapping bug where taxonoccurrence_id is no longer used as an fkey because it's instead a pkey inherited from taxonoccurrence, by instead adding an fkey to plantobservation for direct vouchers. Also, it makes more sense for a specimenreplicate to directly voucher the plant it came from rather than that plant's taxonoccurrence, because a direct voucher is a closer relationship to the plant.
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Map collectiondate to specimenreplicate via voucher when the voucher is indirect, rather than always directly to the taxonoccurrence, because the collectiondate relates to the specimenreplicate, not the taxonoccurrence, and is not necessarily 1:1 with it
mappings: Updated for_review VegX-VegBIEN mappings, which hadn't been auto-updated because of a modification time issue. (mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv was replaced with an older version, which did not trigger make to remake files depending on it.)
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Added sql_gen-compatible indexes on all columns in the locationevent_unique_project_authorcode UNIQUE index: Changed locationevent_project_id index to use COALESCE. Added index on obsstartdate.
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Removed no longer needed COALESCE index on location_id now that location_id is NOT NULL
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Fixed bug where locationevent_unique_location index was overconstraining locationevent when a sourceaccessioncode or obsstartdate was specified, by combining the locationevent_unique_location, locationevent_unique_accessioncode, and locationevent_unique_location_date indexes into one COALESCE index on the combined fields of those indexes
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Made location_id required because every locationevent should have a location, even one with no locationdeterminations. This also avoids the creation of a parent locationevent when subplots are not being used.
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Removed _collapse where it's no longer needed because sql_io.put() handles that now. Note that each locationevent will get an empty commclass, whether or not there are any commdeterminations. This can later be used to add new commdeterminations.
schemas/vegbien.sql: commclass: Changed commclass_unique to COALESCE classnotes so that there is only one commclass for a locationevent when the commclasses are not separately named. (Currently classnotes is used as the class name field, commname being the name of the community itself.)
schemas/vegbien.sql: commdetermination: Made commconcept_id NOT NULL because it doesn't make sense to have a commdetermination on nothing. Note that the commname field in commdetermination is not used for making determinations (and may need to be removed to avoid confusion); commname.commname is used instead.
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Added COALESCE index on location_id for use by column-based import
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Removed _collapse where it's no longer needed because sql_io.put() handles that now. Note that each plantobservation will get an empty stemobservation, whether or not there are any stemtags. This can later be used to add further stemtags.
mappings/VegX-VegBIEN.stems.csv: Removed _collapse where it's no longer needed because sql_io.put() handles that now
schemas/vegbien.sql: location: Made datasource_id, sourceaccessioncode NOT NULL to ensure that all locations are uniquely identifiable by their datasource's unique key (sourceaccessioncode)
sql_io.py: put(): Handle NullValueExceptions by returning a NULL pkey, just like put_table() (column-based import) does
VegBIEN: Fixing import issue related to duplicate entries in tables with children, where when a new table entry duplicates an existing entry, the 1:1 tables of that table and those tables' children are not merged, causing them to become orphaned. It is described in detail at <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Import_issues#Merging-duplicates-with-children>, including the rationale for this solution. Note that this is not a bug in column-based import, it applies to row-based import as well. This commit fixes the issue for locationevent->location in plots data, by also mapping locationevent's unique keys to location.sourceaccessioncode and setting location.datasource_id.
sql.py: DbConn.run_query(): Separate the data source comment from the query with a tab in the executed query but a \r in the logged query, so that the query will be shown on the same line as the data source comment in pg_stat_activity, but be hidden by the following line when cating the file and be put on a separate line when viewed in a text editor. This causes the first line of the query to be at the left edge when the log file is viewed, so that it looks more natural.
README.TXT: Data import: Import data into VegBIEN: Added command to use for column-based import
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Allow a locationevent to be uniquely specified by its location (which is now datasource-scoped) and start date
VegBIEN: Fixing import issue related to duplicate entries in tables with children, where when a new table entry duplicates an existing entry, the 1:1 tables of that table and those tables' children are not merged, causing them to become orphaned. It is described in detail at <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Import_issues#Merging-duplicates-with-children>, including the rationale for this solution. Note that this is not a bug in column-based import, it applies to row-based import as well. This commit fixes the issue for specimenreplicate->...->location, by also mapping specimenreplicate's unique keys to location.sourceaccessioncode and setting location.datasource_id.
schemas/vegbien.sql: locationevent: Allow to be uniquely specified by location_id. This is useful for specimens data where there is one location for every locationevent.
schemas/vegbien.sql: location: Added datasource_id and sourceaccessioncode so locations can be uniquely specified by the input datasource, rather than being created automatically for each locationevent
schemas/filter_ERD.csv: Add back taxondetermination->taxonoccurrence fkey because that has been replaced by a trigger in the SQL
VegBIEN: Fixing import issue related to duplicate entries in tables with children, where when a new table entry duplicates an existing entry, the 1:1 tables of that table and those tables' children are not merged, causing them to become orphaned. It is described in detail at <https://projects.nceas.ucsb.edu/nceas/projects/bien/wiki/Import_issues#Merging-duplicates-with-children>, including the rationale for this solution. Note that this is not a bug in column-based import, it applies to row-based import as well. This commit fixes the issue for specimenreplicate->taxonoccurrence.
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with remaining stats from most recent import
PostgreSQL-MySQL.csv: Remove INHERITS clauses
schemas/vegbien.ERD.mwb: Fixed lines
db_xml.py: put_table(): Moved in_row_ct updating to Subsetting section so the cursor's rowcount can be used directly
db_xml.py: put_table(): Subsetting in_table: Don't count # rows because this takes awhile for large datasets. Instead, use the chunking algorithm in digir_client, which ends the loop when a partial or empty partition is encountered.
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with new stats from an independent import
schemas/vegbien.sql: Fixed UNIQUE INDEXes that were still using COALESCE to use COALESCE in order to match what sql_gen.EnsureNotNull uses
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: UNIQUE INDEX on catalognumber_dwc: Added collectioncode_dwc so that datasources that specify it in addition to the institution_id (such as aggregators) will not need to have catalognumbers be unique within an institution
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with more stats from latest import
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated with initial stats from latest import. Reformatted to put successive runs of column-based next to each other, so they could be directly compared and so that the row-based data wouldn't need to be duplicated. Added empty-value checks to formulas so that they don't need to be manually deleted when one of their inputs is empty.
input.Makefile: Documentation: import/steps.by_col.sql: Fixed bug where needed to run import in test mode
sql_io.py: put_table(): Don't set pkeys of missing rows to default value if out_table is a SQL function, because then there is already an entry for every row
bin/map: by_col: Reuse existing out_db connection for in_db instead of opening separate connection
sql.py: mk_select(): Replaced newlines with spaces when query is simple enough to fit on one line
db_xml.py: put_table(): Set db.src to help identify the data source in pg_stat_activity
sql.py: DbConn: Added src config param, which in autocommit mode, will be included in a comment in every query, to help identify the data source in pg_stat_activity
sql_gen.py: Added lstrip() to remove comments
sql.py: mk_insert_select(): Added src param to help identify the data source in pg_stat_activity
mappings/DwC2-VegBIEN.specimens.csv: Mapped institutionCode. This will enable datasources to use specimenreplicate's institution_id index for duplicate elimination.
input.Makefile: Prompt user to accept test, instead of providing command line func for doing so
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: UNIQUE INDEX on catalognumber_dwc: Added institution_id so that datasources that specify it (such as aggregators) will not need to have catalognumbers be globally unique. Once the institution_id is mapped to, this will fix a bug where rows with the same catalognumber were assumed to be duplicates even though they were from different institutions. This should also avoid the need to do any duplicate elimination joins when importing specimenreplicate, speeding up column-based import.
schemas/vegbien.sql: specimenreplicate: Renamed museum_id to institution_id to correspond with DwC's institutionCode, so that it would be more obvious where to map institutionCode fields to
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated to include run times for rest of datasources for most recent column-based import
db_xml.py: put_table(): Subsetting in_table: Prepend schema to subset table name so that in pg_stat_activity, it's clear which datasource a particular query is from
sql_io.py: cast_temp_col(): add_col()'s distinguishing comment param: Add the type in case the same input column is being cast to different types, and both types have the same first word (causing their new column names to be the same)
sql_io.py: cast_temp_col(): Name the new column with only the first word of the type, to save space in the limited identifier length
strings.py: Added first_word()
sql_io.py: cast_temp_col(): Use sql_gen.suffixed_col() to create the new column name
inputs/import.stats.xls: Added run time for SALVIAS organisms, which just finished
inputs/import.stats.xls: Use [1]-style footnotes because copying and pasting to Gmail doesn't preserve the superscripts
inputs/import.stats.xls: Updated for latest simultaneous column-based import
sql_io.py: cast_temp_col(): Don't automatically create an index on the new column, because it doesn't necessarily need an index and the main index used for the join is now added automatically by distinct_table()
sql.py: flatten(): Don't automatically create indexes on all columns, because most columns don't need indexes and the main index used for the join is now added automatically by distinct_table()
sql.py: Removed no longer needed add_index_col() and ensure_not_null() because we are not using index columns
sql.py: add_index(): Don't create index columns for nullable columns, because they require indexes to be created on all columns in order to use a distinct_table() temp table. Also, now that we are no longer using LEFT JOINs, the COALESCE call would only be evaluated once (in the plain JOIN) in the event that PostgreSQL doesn't use an index on a COALESCE expression.