mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Sort terms by name so that reordering terms in the VegCore data dictionary does not cause Veg+-VegCore.csv to change. This makes it much easier to identify synonyms and ambiguous terms that were accidentally deleted during a data dictionary refactoring. (Note that these are no longer included in VegCore.csv, so this is required in addition to sorting VegCore.csv by name.)
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Sort terms by name so that reordering terms in the VegCore data dictionary does not cause VegCore.csv to change. This makes it much easier to identify terms that were accidentally deleted during a data dictionary refactoring.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. This adds cf_aff.
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Filter out namespaces by matching only terms whose header links within the data dictionary
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. This causes TNRS's Annotations (cf/aff) to be mapped into VegBIEN.
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: matched*Fit_fraction: Remapped to taxonconfidence instead of taxonfit
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Fixed bug where need to remove duplicates, which are no longer supported by canon, by removing alternatives of ambiguous terms when these occur separately from their definitions
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Removed synonyms and ambiguous terms, since the canonicalization of them is handled by Veg+-VegCore.csv. This also reduces the time it takes canon to build the in-memory Python dict of replacements, which scales to all inputs and should speed up the build/test command.
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Removed synonyms, since the canonicalization of them is handled by Veg+-VegCore.csv
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.csv: Match terms by header # instead of matching all anchors, in order to include the leading ? before an ambiguous term
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Generate dynamically from VegCore.htm, which allows the VegCore thesaurus to be automatically kept up to date. More importantly, it allows terms in all map spreadsheets to be updated simultaneously when a term is renamed (e.g. by replacing a term with one of its synonyms).
mappings/VegX-VegCore.csv: Applied term renamings from the new dynamically generated Veg+-VegCore.csv. Updates to VegCore term names that have occurred since the data dictionary was created are now able to take effect, which involves remapping several fields.
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv, inputs/*/*/map.csv: Applied term renamings from the new dynamically generated Veg+-VegCore.csv, which reflects the current state of the data dictionary. (Permanently switching to the new Veg+-VegCore.csv will be a separate change.) Updates to VegCore term names that have occurred since the data dictionary was created are now able to take effect, which involves remapping and inferring units on several fields.
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Mapped basalDiameter_in
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Mapped diameterBreastHeightGentry_cm, basalDiameter_cm, precipitation_mm
schemas/vegbien.sql: Added _mm_to_m()
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Fixed bugs where also need to filter out ambiguous tables, but shouldn't filter out acronyms (which are regular fields)
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: locationID->location.sourceaccessioncode: Removed restriction that this mapping can't occur if geovalidation information is present. The locationID is no longer mapped to the place.sourceaccessioncode, so this filter is not necessary.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Fixed bug where need to filter out table names to avoid applying table replacements to fields which have the same name as a table
inputs/Madidi/map.csv: Fixed bug where needed to remove duplicate input names, now that translate doesn't allow them
mappings/Makefile: VegX-VegCore.csv: Sort by the input column instead of the output column to keep the sort order stable across VegCore term renames
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Before running collapse_multimap, canonicalize alternatives of ambiguous terms using unambiguous mappings. This ensures that the alternatives lists contain only canonical VegCore terms rather than synonyms.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. All synonyms are now hyperlinked, allowing them to be matched by redmine_synonyms.
mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv: Removed Sources, Definition columns because source information is now in the VegCore data dictionary
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. Ambiguous terms newly available to redmine_synonyms due to the bugfix now have multiple alternatives.
redmine_synonyms: Ambiguous terms: Fixed bug where need to use header # instead of term name to determine whether a term is an alternative, because some alternatives (e.g. verbatimElevation) don't follow the units-suffix naming convention.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. All ambiguous terms now have multiple alternatives, preventing them from being automapped to a single alternative without prompting the user for confirmation
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: translate: Fixed bug where need to run on $@ instead of $<
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. All mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv terms are now added as synonyms or separate terms.
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. Most ambiguous terms are now split into alternatives, and most mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv terms are now added as synonyms.
canon: Raise an error if two input terms map to the same simplified string
translate: Changed dictionary to thesaurus, since the map used actually has synonyms rather than definitions
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Translate the thesaurus's output terms using itself in order to map a synonym of an ambiguous term directly to its alternatives list rather than only to the ambiguous term itself
mappings/Makefile: Veg+-VegCore.csv: Run collapse_multimap on the generated map so that all alternatives are included, rather than just the first alternative, when translate maps an ambiguous term
redmine_synonyms: Fixed bug where need to output a CSV rather than TSV to be usable by other programs that use map spreadsheets
Added collapse_multimap, which collapses multimap entries in a spreadsheet dictionary
mappings/Veg+-VegCore.csv: Separate alternatives of ambiguous terms with , instead of ", " for easier machine-parsability
redmine_synonyms: Added support for ambiguous terms, which unlike the synonyms format nests the term (the alternative) under the synonym (the ambiguous term) rather than the synonym under the term. Note that ambiguous terms must also be prefixed with ? to differentiate them from composites (e.g. recordedBy_givenName), which use the same _-based naming convention.
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: Renamed scientificNameWithMorphospecies to taxonNameWithMorphospecies because it does not contain the scientific name author, as required by DwC scientificName <>
mappings/Makefile: VegCore.tables.csv: Exclude ambiguous table names, which should not be part of the tables summary (as neither are table synonyms)
input.Makefile: $(translate?): Merged with $(translate), which is not used independently
input.Makefile: Use new translate_ci instead of translate
mappings/Makefile: Use new translate_ci instead of translate
Added translate_ci
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: institutionCode list->sourcename mapping: _split(): Also match ; as a separator, and match separators with or without a following space
mappings/Makefile: Added target to create Veg+-VegCore.csv from VegCore.htm, initially commented out until all the synonyms in the existing Veg+-VegCore.csv are added to the VegCore data dictionary <>
Added redmine_synonyms, which translates a Redmine HTML page to a thesaurus
lockfile: Linux: Documented why newgrp and recursive invocation of lockfile are needed
lockfile: Linux: Fixed bug where need to change primary group of the dotlockfile process to the group of the dir to contain the lockfile, because dotlockfile otherwise reports a "permission denied" error (even though the directory is actually writable, dotlockfile thinks it isn't). Running dotlockfile with a different primary group is complicated because newgrp, the command that does this, does not pass arguments to the new process, so they must instead be passed via environment variables and a recursive invocation of lockfile (with the $inner recursion flag set). Additionally, exec cannot be used to propagate the PPID (needed by dotlockfile) because newgrp creates a new process rather than using exec, so it must be manually entered into the lockfile after dotlockfile runs.
lockfile: Linux: Fixed bug where need to lower retry count to avoid overflowing the retries variable
lockfile: Linux: Added workaround for bug in dotlockfile where using -1 to retry indefinitely doesn't work, so need to use large integer instead
lockfile: Linux: Use bin/dotlockfile instead of the system's dotlockfile, because the system's dotlockfile is SETGID mail, which prevents it from creating lockfiles in a directory owned by the bien user and group when being run by the login user
bin/: svn:ignore: Added dotlockfile, which is copied from the system during installation
bin/: svn:ignore: Removed no longer applicable test_output
root Makefile: misc-Linux: Added command to copy dotlockfile to the bin/ dir, so that it can be used without being SETGID mail, which would prevent it from creating lockfiles in a directory owned by the bien user and group when being run by the user
root Makefile: core: Added misc-* to install other dependencies
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scientificNameWithMorphospecies: Removed no longer needed alternative, since the family will be included in the canon_taxonlabel.taxonomicname by the mappings
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scientificNameWithMorphospecies: Fixed bug where need to use canon_*taxonlabel*.taxonomicname instead of canon_taxonverbatim.taxonomicname as one of the alternatives because only canon_taxonlabel.taxonomicname is guaranteed to be populated by the mappings, while canon_taxonverbatim.taxonomicname will only be populated if the datasource explicitly specifies that field. This distinction is only meaningful for data without a TNRS match, as TNRS supplies canon_taxonverbatim.taxonomicname.
import_all: after_import(): Added wait on tnrs.make's lockfile to ensure that all background scrubbing processes are complete before creating the analytical DB
import_all: Moved `waitpid $jobs` into after_import()
schemas/vegbien.ERD.mwb: Fixed table sizes
schemas/vegbien.ERD.mwb: Regenerated exports
schemas/vegbien.sql: removed all accessioncode fields, as VegBIEN does not use them
Added inputs/FIA/_src/FIADB_version4.accdb and FIADB_version4.sql (created from it using Access To PostgreSQL and the additional transformations at <>)
Added inputs/FIA/COND_unique/, generated from new FIA data
inputs/FIA/FIA_COND_unique/create.sql: Fixed bug where need to remove `CREATE TABLE :table AS` at beginning because that is added by the make target
inputs/FIA/geoscrub.~.clean_up.sql: Moved creation of FIA_COND_unique to FIA_COND_unique/create.sql
README.TXT: Full database import: Updated time until import_all returns control to the shell to account for the TNRS names now being imported concurrently with the inputs rather than before them
mappings/VegCore-VegBIEN.csv: Also include morphospecies in the accepted taxondetermination's taxonverbatim, so that it can easily be retrieved by the analytical DB views
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: scientificNameWithMorphospecies: Fixed bug where need to use the taxonName or scientificName when the name components are not provided, as is the case when there is no scrubbed taxondetermination (because TNRS returns no match)
mappings/VegCore.csv: Regenerated from wiki. This adds Brad's DwC ID terms and their definitions in <>.
join: Added support for direct mappings to VegBIEN by passing through outputs that start with / (indicating an XPath rather than a term)
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: Added family_matched, taxonName_matched, scientificNameAuthorship_matched
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: Added family_verbatim, scientificName_verbatim, scientificNameAuthorship_verbatim from datasource taxondetermination
schemas/vegbien.sql: analytical_stem_view: Fixed bug where need to use identifiedBy and dateIdentified from the datasource taxondetermination rather than the canonical taxondetermination (whichever taxondetermination is most scrubbed)
schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): is_datasource_current: Fixed bug where need to filter out determinationtypes for matched/accepted determinations, which are not datasource determinations
schemas/vegbien.sql: taxondetermination: taxondetermination_set_iscurrent(): Fixed bug where need to also set existing datasource_current taxondetermination's is_datasource_current to false replace_with_text(): Added support for all scalar (non-Node) types, which will be stringified using strings.ustr()
schemas/functions.sql: Added _fix_date() put_table(): Documented that much of the complexity of the normalizing algorithm is due to PostgreSQL not having a native command for insert/on duplicate select put_table(): Corrected "insert/if not exists get" to "insert/on duplicate select" put_table(): Removed no longer applicable requirement that it be run at the beginning of a transaction, which was only required when the output table was locked during the function call put_table(): Documented that the function's insert/if not exists get algorithm does not support database triggers that populate fields covered by a unique constraint
inputs/FIA/_src/_README.TXT: Documented that FIA does not provide data for some states, e.g. HI
config/: Set svn:ignore to exclude *password files
Removing config/bien_read_password from version control
Removing config/bien_password from version control
inputs/FIA/: Added refreshed data (not yet mapped)
input.Makefile: Existing maps discovery: $(exts): Also match uppercase versions of extensions
lib/common.Makefile: Added $(ucase) and $(ci)
inputs/FIA/_src/Makefile: Table bundling: $(tableCsvs): Fixed bug where need to replace % with $* in $(csvPattern)
inputs/FIA/_src/Makefile: Table bundling: Fixed bug where need to remove trailing slashes from dirs that will match a target pattern
inputs/FIA/_src/Makefile: Added Table bundling targets to regroup CSVs by tables