lib/sh/ sudo(): moved addition of -E (which should always happen) to separate, overridden sudo() function
lib/sh/ moved -E to is_callable section because it just applies to that
lib/sh/ added become_sudo alias
lib/sh/ added $is_root
lib/ cleanup_table(): trim(): documented that this also converts character varying fields to text
bugfix: lib/ null_strs_str_default: removed "NA" because this is the abbr for a Spanish province (Navarra). this fixes the 2nd bug of #955, geovalidation duplicated rows.
lib/ cleanup_table(): debug-print null_strs
lib/ null_strs: made it customizable from an env var, since the same list of null_strs doesn't work for all datasources (see #957)
fix: *Makefile: changed line endings to \n so that `patch` can work with pasted input. use `svn di --extensions --ignore-eol-style` to verify no diff.
bugfix: lib/ encode_map: also need to encode + because TNRS removes it from the morphospecies ( > issue #4)
lib/ null_strs: added N/A and NA (this will remove a common abbr for North America, but we don't use the continent, so this is OK)
lib/runscripts/ added check_headers()
bugfix: lib/runscripts/ srcs: missing []
srcs: missing [
lib/runscripts/ added header() and use it in header.txt()
lib/runscripts/ 1st_src(): use a variable for this instead, to avoid needing to run this function each time it's used, and to make @srcs available
lib/sh/ wildcard.(): clarified that it only removes . .. when at then beginning of the list
lib/runscripts/ added header.txt()
lib/runscripts/ added 1st_src()
lib/runscripts/ subdir_make(): use new $datasrc_dir
lib/runscripts/ added $datasrc_dir
lib/sh/ make(): added support for $output_data mode which uses --silent
fix: lib/sh/ already_exists_msg(): changed calling convention to avoid it seeming like `return 0` is run if already_exists_msg() throws an error, when in fact already_exists_msg() is just a command that should be run before returning/errexiting
bugfix: lib/common.Makefile: $(wildcard/): need final pass with $(wildcard) to support inputs without wildcard chars
bugfix: lib/sh/ $sync_remote_url: jupiter user is always aaronmk, not the local user
*{.sh,run}: use standard WARNING syntax for warning labels
fix: lib/sh/ verbosity_compat(): documented that this should not be run until right before executing an external command, so that it doesn't mess up the logging mechanism
bugfix: lib/sh/ functions called by pst(): commented out/removed logging calls that would have caused infinite recursion when pst()'ing a logging function
lib/sh/ echo_func(): get call context before wrapper(s), which is more useful for debugging. this uses skip_stack_frames()'s lookahead=1 mode.
fix: lib/sh/ skip_stack_frames() callers: updated for new skip_stack_frames rather than get_stack_frame behavior
lib/sh/ skip_stack_frames(): added lookahead support, which looks at entry after current to deterine whether to skip current. this is useful for skipping wrappers, by looking at the calling function's name.
fix: lib/sh/ skip_stack_frames(): for new skip_stack_frames rather than get_stack_frame behavior, stack frames must be skipped in the caller to preserve the stack frame pointer
lib/sh/ get_stack_frame_after(): renamed to skip_stack_frames() for clarity
lib/sh/ added skip_stack_frame_in_caller, unskip_stack_frame_in_caller
lib/sh/ added prev_stack_frame
lib/sh/ echo_func(): use new format_stack_frame, which adds call context information to what was provided by func_loc
fix: lib/sh/ format_stack_frame(): need to hide canon_rel_path() info using log+
lib/sh/ added get_stack_frame_after()
lib/sh/ added matches()
lib/sh/ next_stack_frame: documented usage
fix: lib/runscripts/ runscript template: all(): moved example commands to target(), where they would more likely be located
lib/sh/ format_stack_frame(): support including args
lib/sh/ debugging: added pst() (print_stack_trace)
lib/sh/ added stack_trace(), print_stack_trace()
lib/sh/ added format_stack_frame()
lib/sh/ added get_stack_frame() and helpers
lib/sh/ terminal: moved before errors so it can be used by it
lib/sh/ errors, debugging: moved after datatype sections so their functions can use these
bugfix: lib/sh/ canon_rel_path() stub: proper no-op requires passing through original path
lib/sh/ canon_rel_path(): fall back to original path if can't resolve, instead of errexiting
bugfix: lib/sh/ canon_rel_path(): don't re-localize $path because this clears it
lib/sh/ canon_rel_path(): import $1 to $path before function body, so that the function body can be moved to a nested function
lib/sh/ added canon_rel_path() stub for use by debugging functions
lib/sh/ moved func_loc() to before debugging section so it can be used by debugging functions
bugfix: lib/sh/ command__exec(): need to restore $verbosity before calling die_e
fix: lib/sh/ $sync_remote_url: need $USER so user can be overridden when running as root
lib/Firefox_bookmarks.reformat.csv: label page's self-description as such: also support quotations enclosed in '
lib/sh/ echo_vars(): merge repeated flags so there aren't flags in between the vars (which is also not valid declare syntax)
lib/sh/ pg_cmd(): log vars on same line to avoid clutter
lib/sh/ echo_vars(): put all the vars on the same line so they don't clutter up the call graph generated at the default verbosity
lib/ single_tnrs_request(), bin/tnrs_client: use_tnrs_export: default to False because this mode uses incorrect selected matches (, and the JSON mode that fixes this is now available
bugfix: lib/ JsonReader: need to pass col_order to row_dict_to_list_reader
bugfix: lib/ JSON output: need to stringify arrays so they match what is output in TSV-export mode
lib/ JsonReader: added support for values that are arrays
lib/ MultiFilter: inherit from WrapReader instead of Filter to avoid needing to define a no-op filter_() function
bugfix: lib/ row_dict_to_list_reader: need to override next() directly instead of just using Filter, because Filter doesn't support returning multiple rows for one input row (in this case, prepending a header row). this caused the 1st data row to be missing.
lib/ Filter: inherit from WrapReader, which separates out the CSV-reader API code
lib/ added WrapReader
lib/ added Reader
lib/ JsonReader: factored out row-dict-to-list into new row_dict_to_list_reader so that JSON-specific preprocessing is kept separate from the row format translation
lib/ added MultiFilter, which enables applying multiple filters by nesting
lib/ single_tnrs_request(): JSON mode: implemented output of JSON data
lib/ single_tnrs_request(): factored out wrapping in TnrsOutputStream, since this is done for both modes
fix: lib/ JSON mode: TSV export columns: need to translate these to JSON column names before they can be used with the JSON data
lib/ added JsonReader, which reads parsed JSON data as row tuples
lib/ added row_dict_to_list(), which translates a CSV dict-based row to a list-based one
lib/ RowNumFilter: added support for filtering the header row as well
lib/ ColInsertFilter: added support for filtering the header row as well
lib/ InputRewriter: documented that this is also a stream (in addition to inheriting from StreamFilter)
bugfix: lib/ InputRewriter: accept a reader, as would be expected, instead of a custom stream whose lines are tuples
fix: lib/ append_csv(): use new csvs.ProgressInputFilter instead of streams.ProgressInputStream(csvs.StreamFilter(__)), so that the input to csvs.InputRewriter is a reader, not a stream. this avoids the need for csvs.InputRewriter to accept a stream whose lines are tuples, instead of the expected reader.
lib/ added ProgressInputFilter, analogous to streams.ProgressInputStream
lib/ added commented-out debug statement used to troubleshoot copy_expert() errors
lib/ added pair_keys(), pair_values()
bugfix: lib/ CaptureStream: end_idx must also be > start_idx
lib/ single_tnrs_request(): use_tnrs_export=False: need to obtain export columns
lib/ added header(stream)
fix: lib/ single_tnrs_request(): need to `assert name_ct >= 1`, because with no names, TNRS hangs indefinitely
bugfix: lib/sh/ compress(): don't include dir prefix in zip archive
lib/sh/ cd(): use echo_run instead of a manual echo_cmd call
fix: lib/sh/ cd(): indent after running cd rather than before
lib/sh/ cd(): support rebasing path vars for the new dir
bugfix: lib/sh/ compress(): need to use zip's path syntax to avoid the file in the archive being named "-"
lib/ added option to avoid using TNRS's TSV export feature, which currently returns incorrect selected matches ( this has been implemented up through the GWT/JSON decoding.
lib/ added gwt_decode()
lib/ added unesc_quotes() and helper functions
lib/ added json_decode()
lib/runscripts/ export_(): also compress created file
lib/sh/ added compress(), expand(), which handle compression of individual files