web/main/SALVIAS/.htaccess: Forward to new dd/ subdir
Added web/main/SALVIAS/dd/
web/main/DwC/.htaccess: Forward to new terms/ subdir
Added web/main/DwC/terms/
web/main/**/.htaccess: don't redirect subdir paths: Fixed bug where can only match non-empty string, because otherwise the rule would match this directory, which should still have its redirects processed
web/main/index.php: Added back smaller spacing between the table columns
web/main/main.css: blockquote: Removed right margin so there isn't a big space between the table columns in index.php, which results from nesting right-padded blockquotes inside one another
web/main/index.php: Changed Brad-Boyle to just Brad because people's names only have to be unique within VegPath
web/main/.htaccess: Added fallback redirect to VegCore for paths without a namespace. This can be used to link to specific VegCore terms without needing to include the VegCore namespace.
Added web/main/VegBIEN/
Added web/main/servers/vegbiendev/
Added web/main/.phpPgAdmin/
web/main/.phpMyAdmin/.htaccess: Set [redirect] flag in case the dest server is on the same machine as VegPath itself
web/main/*/ lowercase versions: Renamed with _ suffix to avoid svn conflicts on case-insensitive filesystems such as Mac HFS+
web/main/.htaccess: Support lowercase versions of mixed-case dirnames without breaking case-insensitive filesystems such as Mac HFS+
web/main/: Added lowercase symlinks for mixed-case dirs to work with subdomain translation, which uses subdomains lowercased by DNS
web/main/index.php: Use absolute URLs for dependencies to work with subdomain translation, which adds components to the URL path
web/main/**/.htaccess: Use RewriteRule instead of RedirectMatch to handle incremental redirects internally instead of issuing a (much slower) redirect to the web browser each time. This also handles edge cases better, as [last] RewriteRules can be used to control when to forward control to a subdir, and doesn't require prepending the path to the dir the .htaccess file is in. Note that this requires all gateway dirs (dirs with subdirs) to contain special RewriteRules to avoid redirecting subdir paths and handle DirectoryIndex; see web/main/DwC/.htaccess. Also note that the regexp of a catch-all RewriteRule must exactly follow the template for internal or external redirects; see web/main/SALVIAS/db/.htaccess for internal redirects and web/main/DwC/history/.htaccess for external redirects.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Allow the part before the [] escape to contain [], to support labels that end in [] (like PHP array vars in the query string) labels with a simple array-subscript syntax (a[b]). This also shortens the regexp and makes it more readable without the \[\] in [^.\[\]/] . Note that this also allows invalid combinations of [] exprs (e.g. more than one per level or unbalanced []), which will still be translated but will probably not have the desired result.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Inline the [] escape regexp into the main regexp, because it is now approximately the same length as the []-matching portion of the main regexp and this greatly simplifies the code by removing the extra RewriteCond. Note that the translation rule is now a plain regexp (run repeatedly until no match), which can be used in any programming language that supports Perl-compatible regular expressions, not just mod_rewrite.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: discardpath explanation: Clarified that the infinite loop resulted from reappending PATH_INFO (the Apache-matched filename)
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Require any [] escape to have the ] at the end of the level, to simplify the [] regexp
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Use a lookahead assertion to ensure that at least one character is matched as the head of the dotpath. This ensures that (.*/)? + the rest of the regexp does not match a path with a trailing /, which is a sealed /-path and not subject to dotpath translation.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Only support one [] escape per dot-level to (greatly) shorten the [] regexp. This does not pose a problem for encoding . because the entire level can simply be enclosed in [].
web/main/.htaccess: Uncommented ErrorDocument
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Removed separate sealing of the /-path, which is now performed by the main RewriteRule because it appends a / even if there is no . suffix. This does not cause an infinite loop because a character is always added (/), which prevents the previously-matched head (after the last / but before any .) from being matched again.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Fixed bug where it's actually the portion before the . (but after the last /) that should be subject to []-unescaping, rather than the portion after the . . Fixed bug where [] escapes were not being unescaped because the wildcard .* group matched the whole head portion instead of allowing the []-captures to match.
web/main/.htaccess: translate subdomain to path: Don't use expr RewriteConds because they are not supported by Apache 2.2. Instead issue an external redirect with the subdomain part of the hostname removed, for the purpose of changing HTTP_HOST so that the replacement is not performed again if the mod_rewrite rules are run more than once.
web/main/**/.htaccess: Use RewriteEngine, inheriting the web/main/.htaccess rules, in order to translate dotpaths that follow /-paths to existing dirs
web/main/DwC/.htaccess: Moved DwC.history redirect to web/main/DwC/history/.htaccess
web/main/SALVIAS/db/.htaccess: Removed trailing / because for DB redirects, this is apparently necessary
web/main/.phpMyAdmin/.htaccess: Prepend http:// to the dest URL stem, instead of requiring the dest URL to provide the protocol, because the two // are replaced with one / by Apache when mod_rewrite is on, creating an invalid URL
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: Fixed bug where can't remove all [] escapes, because this would also remove [] from protected parts of the URL (i.e. before the last /). Instead just remove up to two [] escapes per dot-level, e.g. a.[b.c]=[d.e] -> a/b.c=d.e . Note that this removes the restriction against URLs containing "[]", because these [] will be left as-is as long as they are followed at some point by a / .
Removed web/.htaccess because it is not part of any site (web/main/.htaccess is the top-level .htaccess file for the default site)
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: replace all unescaped . with / : Allow empty components on either side of the . , to ensure that all unescaped dots are consistently replaced with / . Note that hidden directories that start with . will have the . preserved, because they have (or get) a trailing slash, which prevents dotpath from operating on them.
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths: remove all [] escapes: Also remove empty [] to allow permalinking clients to easily generate escaped strings by URL-encoding the value and enclosing it in [], which will now also work even if the value is empty. This change will break any destination URLs that use "[]", such as PHP scripts that use this to indicate an array variable in the query string. In these URLs, the [] must now be %-encoded.
web/main/.htaccess: RewriteRules with [redirect] and http:// : Removed [redirect] because it is implied when the replacement is an absolute URL
web/main/.htaccess: RewriteRules with [redirect]: Added last because apparently redirect will not immediately cause the redirect, and will instead continue rewriting the URL ("You will almost always want to use [R] in conjunction with [L] (that is, use [R,L]) because on its own, the [R] flag prepends http://thishost[:thisport] to the URI, but then passes this on to the next rule in the ruleset, which can often result in 'Invalid URI in request' warnings." <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/flags.html#flag_r>)
web/main/.htaccess: RewriteRules: Added [discardpath,noescape] flags to all rules, because these are needed for correct interpretation of the replacement and should be the default setting. For some rules they may be optional, but it is better to include them on all rules to ensure there is never an unexpected effect from omitting them.
web/main/.htaccess: Added "RewriteOptions inherit" because this1 should be the default setting, to ensure that global filter rules also occur in subdirs. Note that the presence of this directive in this .htaccess file does not solve this problem, but putting it there will remind writers of subdir .htaccess files that they need to include that directive....
web/main/SALVIAS/.htaccess: RedirectMatch for below top-level: Use /(.*?)/?$ suffix for consistency with other sources' RedirectMatch patterns
web/main/TCS,VegX/.htaccess: Fixed bug where need to match dirs by themselves in addition to when followed by a filename
web/main/DwC/.htaccess: Fixed bug where need to match dirs by themselves (/DwC/, /DwC/history/) in addition to when followed by a filename
web/main/.htaccess: mod_rewrite: Removed unneeded RewriteBase, because the default setting for RewriteBase is actually the dir of the .htaccess file itself, rather than always / . ("RewriteRule can be used in per-directory config files (.htaccess). There it will act locally, i.e., the local directory prefix is stripped at this stage of processing and your rewriting rules act only on the remainder. At the end it is automatically added back to the path." <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_rewrite.html#RewriteBase>)
web/main/SALVIAS/*/.htaccess: Added trailing / to Redirect paths, which works now that a trailing / is automatically added to all paths by dotpath translation
web/main/SALVIAS/: Moved db/ and users/ actions to their corresponding subdirs. The rules will still be run in the appropriate order, because if a .htaccess exists in a subdir, it will be used in preference to the .htaccess in the parent dir.
my2pg: Removed SETs for standard_conforming_strings, escape_string_warning because these are also prepended by my2pg.data, which this script's output is piped to
my2pg.data: \0 removal: Fixed bug where need to handle all backslashes before the 0, because they might escape just each other (an even number of \) rather than also encoding the \0 (an odd number of \)
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths to /-paths: Added examples
web/main/.htaccess: translate dotpaths to /-paths: Translate all .-separated components in the path to / instead of just those that exist in the filesystem. This allows per-source rules to match just a / for the path-element separator instead of sometimes / and other times . (depending on whether that portion of the dotpath had been translated). Support [] escapes that preserve any . they surround, e.g. a.[b.c] -> a/b.c . (Supporting []-escapes requires that the /-path be "sealed" by appending a / , to prevent the . -> / translation rule from reinterpreting a newly-unescaped [] sequence as a dotpath. This also requires that the translation rule ignore anything before the last /, because it could have been []-unescaped by a previous round of mod_rewrite, e.g. in another dir. All the per-source rules need to be retrofitted to support the new trailing / .) Note also the discardpath flag (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/rewrite/flags.html#flag_dpi) on all RewriteRules that perform a replacement on the input string (i.e. that have a pattern other than ^.*$). This flag is needed to avoid infinite loops, because otherwise, a critical bug in mod_rewrite causes it to reappend the filename portion of the input string (PATH_INFO) to the result, causing it to be present twice, e.g. a/b -> a/b/b (https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38642).
web/main/nimoy/: Moved to web/main/servers/ so it can be grouped with other resources that are servers
web/main/index.php: $root: Fixed bug where need to use gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) instead of $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] because SERVER_NAME is actually set to whichever hostname the server is accessed through (e.g. path.vg or vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu), rather than always being set to the reverse-DNS lookup of SERVER_ADDR, as is specified in the Apache docs ("If no ServerName is specified, then the server attempts to deduce the hostname by performing a reverse lookup on the IP address" <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#servername>)
web/main/.htaccess: Added back "don't rewrite existing paths" to ensure that rules after it will not rewrite any actual files (web page dependencies)
web/main/nimoy/.htaccess: Removed no longer needed trailing /
web/main/.phpMyAdmin/.htaccess: Add trailing / to provided URL in case the user didn't add it
web/main/nimoy/.htaccess: Removed unnecessary index.php from end of phpMyAdmin URL
web/main/DwC,SALVIAS,TCS,VegX: Added .htaccess redirects and dot-path-matching empty dirs, which will replace the index.php redirects with a simpler syntax (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_alias.html#redirect)
web/main/.htaccess: translate dot-paths to dirs: Documented that this only occurs when the dirs exist in the filesystem, and that each subdir Redirect directive needs a corresponding tree of (empty) dirs
Removed no longer used web/main/_archive/index.htm. Use web/main/index.php instead, which issues the Location: header to support clients other than web browsers.
web/vegpath/: Renamed to web/main/ because the content here is the main site hosted on vegbiendev. It will eventually contain internal links to VegBIEN resources in addition to external links (persistent URLs) to sources used in creating VegBIEN.
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Removed "don't rewrite existing paths" RewriteRule because there are no longer any rules after it that require it
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate dot-paths to dirs: translate all levels of dot-paths present in the filesystem rather than just the first level, by using the [next] RewriteRule flag (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/flags.html#flag_n). This avoids the need to translate further levels of dot-paths in each subdir's .htaccess.
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to path: Simplified using new subdomain2path RewriteMap, which avoids the need for a separate RewriteRule+RewriteConds for each number of nested subdomains
web/vegpath.conf: subdomain2path RewriteMap: Fixed bug where need `RewriteEngine on` in the VirtualHost config for a prg: RewriteMap to take effect ("External rewriting programs are not started if they're defined in a context that does not have RewriteEngine set to on." <http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/rewrite/rewritemap.html#prg>)
web/vegpath.conf: Added subdomain2path RewriteMap
Added web/subdomain2path for use by RewriteMap
web/vegpath.conf: Added spacing between sections and reordered directives
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate 2-level subdomain to prefix: interpret subdomains in (standard) reverse instead of forward order (e.g. history.DwC instead of DwC.history)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Don't also translate dash-paths to dirs (in addition to dot-paths) because this adds unnecessary complexity and was only used to allow expressing parts of subdomain paths in forward instead of reverse order (e.g. DwC-history instead of history.DwC)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate dot-/dash-paths to dirs: don't match / inside a . or - component, because it has a lower precedence
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate dot-/dash-paths to dirs: changed comment to indicate that these rules can (eventually) translate any dot-/dash-path, not just the head
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: Use last to avoid further rewriting, since these rules make the destination a /-path
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Also translate dash-paths (e.g. DwC-history) to dirs
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate both 1-level and 2-level subdomains to dir prefixes
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: HTTP_HOST RewriteCond: Don't capture part after . because it isn't used as a replacement (it used to be used for this when a now-unnecessary browser redirect was performed)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: don't rewrite existing paths: Moved before other RewriteRules so that page dependencies (such as util.js) can be loaded more quickly without needing to pass through all the rewrite rules first
web/vegpath/.htaccess: ErrorDocument: Use / instead of /index.php because index.php is the DirectoryIndex and doesn't need to be hardcoded
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: Fixed bug where can only run this is if the dest subdir has a .htaccess file, because this prevents the RewriteRule from being re-run for the subdir (which would lead to infinite recursion because the rule is not idempotent)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: Fixed bug where need to prepend %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} to the file path when testing it for existence
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate path head to dir (if the dir exists)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: Set nosubreq to avoid infinite recursion (the RewriteRule is not idempotent)
web/vegpath/.htaccess: translate subdomain to prefix: Don't translate all nested subdomains, because some of them may result from the machine's own name (vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu) and should not be removed. Instead, remove only the leftmost level of subdomain, and only if it corresponds to a filesystem directory.
web/vegpath/index.php: Use $alias whenever VegPath was reached via the machine's own name (vegbiendev.nceas.ucsb.edu) rather than via a shortened domain (path.vg), so that the right path root can seamlessly be used when path.vg is down
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Translate subdomain to path prefix
Added inputs/MO/_src/TropicosSpecimens_2013_03_12_*.txt.md5
Added inputs/MO/_archive
Added inputs/MO/_src/
web/vegpath/index.php: Brad-Boyle root: Fixed link
web/vegpath/index.php: CTFS root: Fixed link
web/vegpath/index.php: CTFS-schema: Use $Redmine_svn
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Remove www subdomain
Added web/logs/
web/vegpath/.htaccess: Use the simpler ErrorDocument directive instead of a catch-all RewriteRule to handle non-filesystem paths
web/vegpath/index.php: $alias: Use HTTP_HOST and SCRIPT_NAME so the alias doesn't need to be hardcoded
web/vegpath/util.php: Added ensure_prefix(), ensure_suffix()
web/vegpath/index.php: Switching back to path.vg now that the .vg root DNS is back online
web/vegpath/index.php: Use REQUEST_URI (removing the script's own dir) instead of PATH_INFO, to support being used for the Apache ErrorDocument directive
web/vegpath/.htaccess: mod_rewrite: Don't run any further rewrite rules if path exists, to avoid needing to add RewriteConds to each RewriteRule to check if the path exists
web/vegpath/index.php: Changed page title to contain "persistent URLs" because VegPaths are conceptually a type of PURL <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PURL>
web/vegpath/index.php: $alias: Switching back to j.mp/vegpath# because the .vg root DNS server is down. (The .vg registrar adamsnames.com also displays an under construction page.) If the registrar stays down, we may want to switch a different top-level domain.